
Absolutely no one in the Democratic party would care about a bad debate in June and some sketchy anecdotes if polls showed Biden was clearly ahead the whole time. Unfortunately we can't know ahead of time if the polls are right or not.
Imagining the Discourse in 2020 if polls hadn't had an incredibly pro-D bias and they'd accurately reflected the nail biter we actually had in the tipping point state. That's the backdrop of all this handwringing, and it really feels like we've forgotten polls can be wrong the other direction too.
What we've got are fundamentals that would normally be insanely good for the incumbent, and past history that nominating chaos sinks a party.
And also that 5 point+ swings between summer and fall are incredibly common. There is no data that can 100% prove any particular candidate would run a better campaign. It's all just vibes, and particularly poorly grounded vibes for any suggestion other than Harris.