
The reason I'm 55% is it's the only move that can neutralize the age issue. The reason I'm not 100% is Harris doesn't poll that much better, and we can suspect a lot of people will find another complaint, ie "too liberal" or "not THAT woman." I guess thinking around corners isn't popular.
Cards on the table, I'm at about 55% Biden should pass the baton to Harris, but the amount of bad logic from the "fuck Biden, but leftishly" side is driving me nuts. Nothing is certain, people are way overconfident this will be a seamless handover and certainly the media will just move the goalposts
I continue to think the things that would make a real difference are outside of campaign choices: inflation falling further, and the Fed cutting rates and bringing mortgages down in particular. That's also why I'm barely more than a coin flip personally. Not that it matters.