
Better old than sold !
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Only if Rob Reiner (who?) also steps down from whatever it is he does. "Joe did a good job. So he should quit doing the good job" is... Illogical at best and irreversibly stupid at worst.
To say Harris is better candidate makes no sense she is a candidate now . She gets the job is Biden is incapable or dies
Operative word: DID Biden campaigned on being a TRANSITIONAL candidate. Transition means leave with a legacy and NOT in a bodybag like RBG. There's no dishonor in putting a better candidate against the shark Agent Orange.
What candidate this late in the game is better? There isn't one. It's not gonna happen. Biden's absence is a guaranteed Trump win. I'm not willing to take that chance; the stakes are too high & Democrats are too inept at messaging/successfully campaigning. They SUCK at that part of politics.
Biden's insistence that he's the ONLY candidate that could beat Agent Orange is ludicrous and dangerous. We DON'T need another RBG episode on the USA series finale with Project 2025 breathing down our necks
Actually there are candidates that could take Dems across finish line: Harris/ Shapiro Keep Harris to shore up black/ minority voters and Shapiro for the Jewish voters and their money spicket. Agent Orange is TERRIFIED of that combo
Unfortunately, we've already completed the primary and a whole bunch of people won't know who the fuck the candidates are since they've not been onstage this whole time. Why do people entertain this fucking delusion. it is NOT going to happen. You have to convince the rest of us to go along with it.
Gotta fight the fight we're in within the current fucked up system & not lose focus on that with fantasies. Are there better candidates? Yes. Are they able to win? No. Not right now anyway. We have to win this first. THEN we can course correct. Not before. That's where folks are getting lost.
I feel like a lot of people are missing the historic opportunity here. The right wants to go so hard right, NOBODY really wants any of those policies but the hyper-wealthy and hyper-culty right. This is our chance to DESTROY a very sick party and replace it with a very left party.