Xoe Valk

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Xoe Valk


Data analyst
Writer: Romance/Erotica/Fantasy
Dog Rescuer
Neo-Nazi Despiser
France & UK held the line against the rising fascist tide. It's America's responsibility & duty to do the same. In November, we must resoundingly reject authoritarianism & all the trappings of hatred. One nation. Indivisible. With liberty & justice for all.
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It’s utter dereliction by the media - Biden stutters and there are 40 stories on it. In #Project2025 Trump proposes detention camps, using the military in American cities, forcing women to report their periods, eliminating access to abortion pills and rolling back LGBTQ rights … crickets.
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Yesterday, I attended a party with about 15 millennials & 20 boomers. Politics came up. Not one person had heard of Project 2025. I gave them a crash course on it. By the time it was over, I was able to convince everyone that this election is a choice between democracy and a dictatorship.
It's a good thing I didn't have anything planned today. The ER sure is doing a good job (been here over 6 hours now with Mom) wasting whatever time I did have.
J6 prisoners are NOT heroes. They're not patriots. They're not saints. They're not good people. They ARE 1 (or both) of 2 things: Really, really fucking stupid &/or the worst kind of traitor. They did the crime & they will do the time. If you can't tell the difference, you're the problem.
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Donald Trump is a rapist. Donald Trump is a pedophile. Donald Trump is a fraudster. Donald Trump is a failure. Donald Trump is a liar. Donald Trump is a cheater. Donald Trump is profoundly stupid. Donald Trump is the worst president we've ever had Why the fuck would you let him win?
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France...the country whose last far-right government was the NAZI OCCUPATION of World War 2, is now poised to do all the damage itself (as are the countries that helped to liberate it). What the fuck is wrong with the world? apnews.com/live/france-...
France election 2024 live updates: Polls open in pivotal runoff that could propel the far right to powerapnews.com Results suggest Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration, nationalist party National Rally stands a good chance of winning a majority in France's runoff elections.
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So Beryl has dropped to a tropical storm but set to be a Cat 1 before making landfall one final time along the coast of Texas. Given all the dryness in Texas due to heatwave, this could cause some flooding.
"Pedophile and rapist, terms once seen as badges of shame for everyone convicted of such trivial crimes, may become celebrated social norms as homage to our dear leader." Way to fucking go, NYT--you shameless fascist rag.
The NYT's Trump coverage today
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As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
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Mike Lee is a liar, a moron, and a traitor, just like his cult leader Donald Trump.
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It's Entirely up to Us.
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If you’re going to mention in your headline news that, ‘President Biden struggles to stay in the race’ but not mention dick about the wannabe dictator who’s a rapist, pedophile, and so much more… please kindly go FUCK yourself!
That last batch of hubz's homemade apple pie mead? It's evil. Tasty, brilliant evil. It goes down like a warm, sweet, cinnamon & caramel hug. Then stand up, only to find that gravity is unevenly slanted & not working the way it should & neither do your legs. Pass the Gatorade & Motrin. Stat.
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Every new place I visit becomes my favorite place. Hawaii's serenity & refusal to be rushed. Utah's staggeringly beautiful & varied terrain. NYC's invigorating energy & boisterous people. Ireland's lushness with living magic in the very air. And Minnesota's vast forests, lakes, & rolling hills.
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Congratulations to Donald Trump, who became a Kremlin property on the Fourth of July 1987, when he took his first trip to Moscow. Here's to 37 years of Russian ownership, Donald!
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This is not hyperbole; I wish it were. I’m haunted right now by the media being so laser-focused on President Biden’s age that they’re not even discussing much more imminently threatening facts about his Republican opponent, ex-president and felon Donald J. Trump. open.substack.com/pub/politicu...
The Public Might Not Even Know Trump is Trying to Destroy American Democracyopen.substack.com With the media's attention on President Joe Biden, the public might not even know that one candidate is trying to destroy our country.
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Hillary headlines in 2015. Don't let the media fool you again. Image Courtesy of angry_staffer.
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The ageism really troubles me. Biden didn't do a superb job, but neither did he totally fail. He had a cold, he was tired, he was over-prepared, he was under-prepared. Whatever it was, I think it's fixable if he commits to it _and_ we let him. Right now, we're creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.
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If you’re in the U.S. and your passport is expired or you don’t have then one you’ll want to get on that. It’s feasible that the next 6 months are the last time you’ll get one without a consideration for your political party or previous statements. Hope for the best, plan for the worst, as they say.
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latest trump child rape accusation is uh pretty fucking bad and also not surprising