
Pointing again at my US Blue State Challenge. If you live in a "blue state", pick the red state you hate the most and the issue you care about the most and find a group in that state working on that issue and support them.
One thing I don’t understand is why, when people are outraged by some injustice or affront — like book bans — they don’t first look to see who is already tracking the issue, who’s already working on education + organization. “We need to do something!” People *are*. Find them. Help them.
What's curious is that from research I've read, climate change impacts tend to be more pronounced at mid-latitudes than the tropics.
Well, increasing severity of storms aside.
Really feel like we're double taxed on that flood insurance, and we need that now!
Glad our HOA is investing in new flood control. The latest culverts are at least 5 feet around dumping into a 10+ foot basin that then dumps into a 20+ foot ravine.