
bc they weren't supposed to but also, to hide the sins of the liberals and paint them as a staunch opposite
My point is that everyone is glossing over the leftists.
i mean it's the MSM even if they focused on the leftists, they'd paint them as detrimental or give attn prolly most unwanted. Rather they focus on the loser rightists lol
You seriously think it’s good to give the far right all the publicity all the time? The news is practically giving them free advertising at this point.
Idk where you're from so i can't speak to how media works in your area, but where i'm from, media only ever gives free advertising to rightists Evo Morales for example, was always only ever portrayed as a generally bad guy in charge of a country that struggled because he wasn't a rightist
and the US Coups to overthrow Morales was not portrayed as such, at any point in the media
capitalist media gonna capitalist until someone's got enough capital to buy them out OR we have enough collectivism to burn their HQs to the ground, it's gonna stay this way for a forseeable future "prefer" is not the correct word to describe my pov with this tbh
You literally just said, “Rather they focus on the loser rightists lol”
true, however i don't prefer the media to stay the media as it is But idk; having fascist media report on Leftists in a derogatory manner vs report on rightists who lost elections in a "omg we're so sorry they lost" kinda way.. which do you prefer? >.>
I’d prefer them to at least mention who won. Or mention literally anyone else.
That'd be nice yeah It'd be nice if their views, clicks and site traffic was dropped for talking about the rightists constantly too