Xander Lenc

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Xander Lenc


Carceral geographer. Prison history, ecology, healthcare, labor, and capitalism.
Just learned that JD Vance married a woman from Rancho Peñasquito, which is maybe the least surprising thing I've learned all month.
Not all of the Eichmann's are little, some of them have a considerably large readership.
Change in Headline
Jokes on them, the chapter I wrote for a Routledge handbook sucked.
This is an enormous scandal and reason for all academics to withhold labor from Taylor and Francis/Routledge
Expect to see essentially zero factchecking on this in any national or local news outlet. American news media is constitutionally incapable of recognizing decreases in violent crime; it is functionally a right-wing culture industry regardless of the political ideology of its actual employees.
Since Day 2 of the RNC will be largely about crime, a reminder of what has actually happened (with murders falling rapidly in 2024 so far)
In the opening lines of Hillbilly Elegy, Vance is warned about cottonmouths by the swimming hole. But Jackson, KY lies clearly outside the range of any American cottonmouth species. Is contemporary conservatism founded on mythology of nonexistent threats to rural communities? In this essay I will
Well well well.
Trump's VP is gonna be J.D. Vance. Ron Howard is the most gullible man in Hollywood.
Reposted byAvatar Xander Lenc
I’m going to lose my mind.
The automatic assumption that every major assassination attempt on a politician is motivated by politics is so funny. The last guy to shoot an American president did it to impress Jodie Foster. That was literally his only motive!
PLEASE stop sharing that article with uncorroborated sources claiming to identify the would-be assassin, it's extremely dangerous and irresponsible to spread baseless rumors about people, especially when police have already confirmed that the real perpetrator is grammy award-winning pop star Katy Pe
Does nobody in the world remember that a Gabby Giffords, a sitting American member of congress, was shot in the head just over a decade ago? And that Steve Scalise was shot in 2017? I get that we're all scared but calling this unprecedented is just irresponsible and wrong.
They're already selling shirts.
I've said it before, but we really are living in the era of the Divorced Dad.
Two months ago, the federal prison FCI Dublin was closed for fostering a culture of rampant sexual abuse; it was known as "the Rape Club" by staff members. But incarcerated whistleblowers were just moved to other prisons, where they are being retaliated against. www.ktvu.com/news/fci-dub...
FCI Dublin still has constitutional violations even though it's closed: judgewww.ktvu.com The Federal Correctional Institute at Dublin still must address constitutional violations even though the all-women's prison shut down nearly two months ago, a judge has ruled.
I think what a lot of liberals are missing is that Trump isn't distancing himself from Project 2025 because he's getting a mild amount of flak for it in the press. He's distancing himself from it because it makes it seem like someone else is in charge of his campaign.
Trump's VP is gonna be J.D. Vance. Ron Howard is the most gullible man in Hollywood.
I'll admit that it's been very funny seeing cybertruck owners bragging about driving down well-maintained and expensive dirt roads and calling it "off-roading." I used to ford streams and navigate abandoned and unpaved mountain roads in a salvage title 2004 Prius, it really isn't that impressive.
Four cases of water and two bags of potting soil — and this Cybertruck driver needed to make a brag post??!! Honey, I can fit ALL of that in the front seat and leg room of my Subaru
Morris is one of the most important epistemologists of our times and he is absolutely correct here.
"The whole fear about ChatGPT and the creation of imagery is, I think, fear based on the fact that we live in a world where everything is up for grabs," Errol Morris told generative AI reporter Andrew Deck. "Everything is manipulated, everything is challenged, everything is endlessly falsified."
Errol Morris on whether you should be afraid of generative AI in documentarieswww.niemanlab.org “Our task is to get back to the real world, to the extent that it is recoverable.”
The idea that Baby Boomers are this solid conservative voting bloc is utter hogwash, and is absolutely being leveraged to condition young Americans to accept cuts to programs like Social Security. In 2020 boomers voted very similarly to Gen X, but 65+ voters were more pro-Biden than voters 50-64!
Not a lot of people know this, but there is a longstanding policy at Paramount prohibiting any Star Trek series from lasting longer than seven seasons to prevent excess Pon Farr episodes.
Anyone over 35 is too old to be president, let's be honest.
They should just let me pick the presidential nominee. Nobody has tried that before.
Guys please be patient, the DNC legally can't let Biden drop out of the race until they finish installing the new graphics driver onto Pete Buttigieg.
That statistic about lawnmowers killing more people than AR-15s is a little less surprising when you consider that a lot of lawnmowers are just off-road vehicles without seat belts or meaningful enforcement of drunk-driving laws.
Wow it's so bad that presidents can assassinate people with impunity now. Hey, by the way, did any of those cops go to prison for literally bombing Philadelphia back in 1985?
The gap between "the funniest thing Biden could possibly do right now" and "the only morally defensible thing Biden could do right now" continues to shrink.