Émile P. Torres

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Émile P. Torres


Human Extinction: A History of the Science and Ethics of Annihilation (Routledge, 2024). Philosopher + historian with an MS in Neuroscience. Maker of good trouble.
Dear god, long Covid is very bad today. Or maybe it's just depression? Or a synergistic combination of the two?
Some news from @xriskology.bsky.social on the Future of Humanity Institute shutting down. Good. Oxford should never have been affiliated with this group. Maybe Bostrom will leave now xriskology.substack.com/p/the-future...
Hello, friends! Transitioning to Bluesky (finally).
My newest article for Truthdig, about how widespread "human-extinctionism" is within Silicon Valley (spoiler alert: it's everywhere!): www.truthdig.com/articles/tea...
This is such a key point: current rates of warming are probably unprecedented in Earth's 4.6 billion year history. Just meditate on that for a moment. We really have no idea what the outcome will be.
Got a bunch of jabs yesterday, and haven't been able to crawl out of bed so far today (side effects!). But worked through some notes on a lenghty article I'm going to write about loneliness.
Good video on the significant health effects of loneliness: www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSQj...
Last night, probably ~4am, I was woken up because of *thunderstorms in the middle of the night, in February, in Cleveland*. Reminder that this is the least crazy the weather is going to be for the rest of our lives, due to climate change.
The backbone of this worldview is the TESCREAL bundle of ideologies—an acronym coined by critical AI scholars @xriskology.bsky.social & Timnit Gebru to describe an interrelated cluster of belief systems, linking transhumanism to Effective Altruism & longtermism. /8 www.truthdig.com/articles/the...
TESCREALism: The Acronym Behind Our Wildest AI Dreams and Nightmareswww.truthdig.com To understand the divide between AI boosters and doomers, one must unpack their common origins in a bundle of ideologies known as TESCREAL.
My newest article for Salon! It summarizes part of my just-out book "Human Extinction: A History of the Science and Ethics of Annihilation." Enjoy -- if that's the right word! :-) www.salon.com/2023/10/08/w...
Have you ever been ghosted? Has someone in your life ever just suddenly vanished? I spent the past year reading every academic paper published about this increasingly common form of emotional cruelty, and here’s my take-away: www.truthdig.com/articles/wha...
My newest for @salonnewsroom.bsky.social! The deeply disturbing fact is that the summer of 2023 will be among the mildest, least disruptive, coolest, and most stable of ALL THE SUMMERS that we experience for the REST OF OUR LIVES. It only gets worse from here on out.⚠️⚠️ www.salon.com/2023/09/23/t...
I get right to the point in my newest article: the extreme weather events of 2023 are nothing compared to what's coming. At least 1B people will die this century from climate change, and another 2B will be displaced. This is the CALM BEFORE THE STORM. 😥 www.salon.com/2023/09/23/t...
Yesterday, my book on the history of thinking about human extinction was finally released!! To celebrate, I wrote a 20k-word précis, or summary, of the entire manuscript, which I've posted on Medium here!! https://xriskology.medium.com/human-extinction-a-brief-guided-tour-of-the-book-5cfb6a5a726
Human Extinction: A Brief Guided Tour of the Bookxriskology.medium.com 200,000 words condensed into 20,000
Got my PhD today. Done. Whew. Dissertation was the forthcoming book!
Literally nothing works on Twitter right now. If I try to follow people, I get a message saying: "You are unable to follow more people at this time." If I try to "like" or tweet something, I get a message saying: "This request looks like it might be automated." The same for DMs. Lol. What a shitshow
Hello. Twitter is awful.
End of feed.