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pork roll evangelist. go birds. fix your hearts or die.

he/him (they/them is okay)
Reposted byAvatar TH
there's 4.5 hours left and we have almost a third of what we need to pay rent $560/$1770 please help keep me and peggy housed venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💕💸
we have 8 hours i have $270, leaving me $1500 short of rent $270/$1770 please help keep me and peggy housed venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💕💸
Blitzie is so scared of the fireworks, man, what are we doing here
Reposted byAvatar TH
Me singing at a concert for my 15,000 fans: alright everybody, I want to see those hands! Get em up! Keep those fucking hands up!!! this is a robbery!!! Put your phones and wallet in the bags being passed around through the crowd and no one gets hurt!
I ordered the 1929 Philadelphia Athletics hat.
everyone's got a frivolous material splurge item or two. Mine just happen to be ballcaps and Zelda t-shirts why do I mention this? well, it's certainly not because I'm looking up where I can buy fitted Philadelphia Athletics caps, nope...
everyone's got a frivolous material splurge item or two. Mine just happen to be ballcaps and Zelda t-shirts why do I mention this? well, it's certainly not because I'm looking up where I can buy fitted Philadelphia Athletics caps, nope...
URGENT NEED help Char stay housed, please. a lot of people with a little bit of money apiece can do a lot of good
we have 8 hours i have $270, leaving me $1500 short of rent $270/$1770 please help keep me and peggy housed venmo: falsegrindmassacre mutual aid 💕💸
Word to your mother
this came out BOMB
making a riff off biscuits and gravy for dinner, italian sausage crumbled and rendered, sauteed some garlic in it, added some olive oil and flour and immersion blended long hots. will finish with some pasta and pasta water. tastes pretty good so far!
making a riff off biscuits and gravy for dinner, italian sausage crumbled and rendered, sauteed some garlic in it, added some olive oil and flour and immersion blended long hots. will finish with some pasta and pasta water. tastes pretty good so far!
Ground Beef Air Beef Water Beef Fire Beef long ago the four beefs lived together in harmony. and then the Fire Beef attacked *burger king dot webp*
ground beef implies the existence of air beef and sea beef
YOSHI-HASHI/Ishii has fucked HARD so far 🤼
Ishii looks like he's slimmed down over the years, but his head is still MASSIVE, especially before he takes his shirt off. he looks weirder than ever (complimentary) 🤼
me the first time I ever saw Taichi: who is this clown lip syncing opera and wearing chaps? me, now: if Taichi doesn't make it to the G1 so I can see him wrestle at least 9 times, I will poop on Gedo's front door 🤼
TJP shouldn't get to kick out at 1 on the Axe Bomber. don't care if he ate Black Mephisto right after. it's offensive to me. 🤼
this Taichi/TJP match is going way too long. shoulda just been backdrop driver -> Taichi removes chaps -> another backdrop driver -> Taichi wins 🤼
this Taichi/TJP match is going way too long. shoulda just been backdrop driver -> Taichi removes chaps -> another backdrop driver -> Taichi wins 🤼
okay, I think I like this Oleg Boltin character 🤼
so how much longer in time has LIJ lasted than the original Los Ingobernables. it's like running on ten times the total tenure, right? 🤼
they should arrest Gedo for the House of Torture. 🤼
although no Ishii or KENTA in the G1 this year feels.... suspect. I'd say no Ace either, but man, he needs to be able to rest, my man's earned it 🤼
yeah I turned on the New Japan Soul show instead of the Phillies. TJP didn't win, so there's no cognitohazards awaiting me here 🤼
Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, and Yuji Nagata tagging with the "young" one El Desperado (even though he's 40). this is so weird, I love it 🤼
I'm not allowed to watch the Phillies anymore
Tories getting crushed power that Casty homer?
if he drops it after tagging with ball in glove, he's still out. ah who cares. we're all gonna die anyway.
Patrick Wisdom getting the start today over Jefferson Courage and Leon Power.
Cubs have Morel at DH? could be a real fun guy to have theree
Trea's mittens are ridiculous. I love them.
sorry for making references to Zelda, MegaMan, Final Fantasy, Mario, Pokemon, and Castlevania constantly it will continue to happen constantly