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I got too busy to have hobbies. Non-work things: LEGO, romancelandia, knitting, Formula 1. Celiac with a keen interest in making desserts and a passable home cook.
The checks are still clearing, I don’t need to look for another job yet.
Went to Facebook to check on a friend, and my feed is currently one third advertisements. The ads are almost entirely for gun-related paraphernalia. The one ad out of twenty that wasn’t for a holster or a speed reloading kit or a bulletproof tactical vest? Was for wegovy.
I made quesadillas and used up the last couple scoops of my enchilada filling. It works. (I am, however, very afraid that by the end of the week, I will be tired of salsa verde.)
One of my @romancingthevote.bsky.social BINs arrived today: _A Brief History Of Time Keeping_, I am excited! (Pictures of random clocks in our library)
Watching 8 out of 10 Cats Does Countdown and tallying up how many of the contestants have been on Taskmaster.
I’ve been fighting whatever cold my sister or my husband brought home for the past three days and I do not like it.
How many text messages am I going to get asking me if I have time for coffee tomorrow afternoon? No. That would be socializing. I don’t want that, even with people I like.
Related: I know why we are doing anxiety / worry questionnaires at doctors visits now, and I applaud them. But my personal anxiety is because my workplace is imploding; my society is crumbling; and the world is in a catastrophic weather pattern.
“How are you doing? Your anxiety scores are … quite high.” “Yeah. Most of that’s work, at this point.”
“How are you doing? Your anxiety scores are … quite high.” “Yeah. Most of that’s work, at this point.”
Work is trying to build morale with 100% polyester shirts.
Today’s going to start with determining exactly how much gas I have left in the car. (Not enough to go to work or to the gas stations on the way to work, ugh)
Yesterday involved two meetings where my bosses tried to get me to do other peoples’ jobs. No, I’m not going to go to Florida for three months to fix that. No, I’m not going to do Mr. New Guy’s work because he can’t keep his attention on his priorities.
Turning my attempt at bananas foster frozen yogurt. (I like ice cream experiment; when it fails, I can melt it, adjust the ingredients, and try again.)
One of our sister sites has implemented an AR project and has also already reported an injury as a direct result of using it.
My peers just answered a request for augmented reality projects with plain automation projects, most of which aren’t feasible anyway.
Oh, I am not impressed with today’s Spelling Bee.
I have an absolutely irrational hatred of the use of “team” to address groups at work. I know it’s irrational, I just associate it with a certain subset of managers who, frankly, suck at building teams.
We just had a safety meeting that could have been subtitled, “don’t get hit by a truck.” I don’t know why there were any clarification questions asked, but there were. I think the questioners get paid by the word.
CW: food This week's menu: steak with chimichurri sauce and grilled corn; Vietnamese grilled chicken with pickled vegetables and rice noodles; and leftover grilled pork with blistered tomatoes, peppers, and onions.
My whole life has been preparing me for this moment! Oh, spiteful ghost of Kevin Mitnick, what should I do now? Take it home and put it into my computer?
I’ve family in these areas, but we grew up in the piedmont of North and South Carolina, moving to Fedvul (iykyk) when I was 10.
I see the 2013 NYT dialect quiz is going around again! I am one of those people whose origin can be pinpointed in like two questions, lol. (I grew up about 20 miles west of the three cities highlighted.)
I am going to be so pissed off if the cymbalta is causing 14 straight days of heavy menstruation, because I do not want to have to go back to daily pain in one ear.
Added another drug after my checkup to see if it helps with the daytime shingles-remnant pain, since Gabapentin makes my brain slow. (“Near-daily pain at that level is too frequent, we need to try something else.”)
And of course there is an emergency at 5pm on a Friday when I need to go pick up my meds at the pharmacy tonight.
Watching the engineers scurry around like a kicked anthill and, honestly, the next one that complains to me about having too much to do is going to get a full lecture on how this is the Finding Out portion of them spending the whole start of the year fucking around.
This scammer isn’t very detail oriented.
Another coworker has learned that I Hold Grudges, and that if you decide that you don’t want to use the systems you designed to do the work, I’m not going to put work into improving them.
I need this to open now so that I can go ahead and get my bids in.
THE AUCTION SITE IS LIVE!!! http://auction.roman... If you don't see your item, don't panic! We're still finalizing items! You can still donate new items until Friday at http://form.romancin... Go admire the talent & make your evil plans!
Hang on, the CT was also recalled for a “poor font choice” in instrument panels? 1: it has instrument panels? 2: is it the same font as the logo?
CyberTruck recalls up to 4. Front windshield wiper motor controller is at risk of failing due to excessive electrical current. Tesla conceded that the trim was held together by adhesive and may not have been done properly at the factory. www.joemygod.com/2024/06/tesl...
Tesla Issues Two Cybertruck Recalls For Defective Parts - Joe.My.God.www.joemygod.com The Daily Beast reports: Tesla was hit with two recalls for its Cybertruck on Tuesday, taking the total number of recalls on Elon Musk’s futuristic pet project to four. The National Highway Traffic Sa...
One of the things I’ve lost with shingles is the ability to eat dinner and watch a movie after work. I get 12 ‘usable’ hours a day, between 8am and 8pm, and working 9 hours means that I can’t get home in time.