
Who is this M.C. person who wrote this bullshit that was published in The Times literary supplement? "hardly suggests unwillingness to give credit when it is due" i literally had to fundraise to nearly sue the British Museum
Seriously, I want to know who is the name of this racist person hiding behind these initials. Are they a white sinologist? A white translator from Chinese? Does TLS have a reputation for platforming nonsense like personal attacks and gaslighting people dealing with racism? WOW
before you have the urge to write *anything* in reply, ask yourself, do you know what happened with the British Museum than the translator who spent two months fighting them? the only thing i want to hear is how much of a BS this piece is and how much the TLS shouldn't be publishing such nonsense
Can't believe you are still dealing with this - I am sorry the UK establishment is so crap!
Wow, that's an amazingly wrong take on such a highly-publicised situation. Presumably MC is being paid by the British Museum in some way, but you'd think even they would have accepted their responsibility by now.
footnotes are like the most common way to cite sources???
ah wait this is about a museum exhibit, not a academic paper
Avatar the British Museum literally stole my translations and used them in an exhibition without permission, pay, or credit, for which they received a 700,000 grant to fund the research for, then refused to credit me and even removed both the chinese and english
Yilin's translations of Qiu Jin's poetry & fight with the British Museum - Yilin Introduction This page aims to present a detailed timeline of the events surrounding the British Museum’s use of my translations of poetry by Chinese feminist…
i also had to fundraise 20k pounds to hire lawyers and the British Museum didn't settle with me until an hour before we were about to file in court stop the gaslighting
i am not disagreeing with you. i'm just not following what the paragraph from your screenshot is saying
yes i was having a hard time connecting the context with the screenshot. i cant even tell if the writer thinks footnotes are adequate or not based on the one line. but im also sick and on cold meds so maybe the writing is clear and my brain is not