
Well goddamn if they didn't have me pinned. Gift link if you want to do yours.
Despite my Army brattness, it's a fair cop
Hey, fellow linguistic Greensborian!
I'm originally from Winston-Salem, so that's pretty spot on, and my grandmother doesn't use "lunch." I didn't think most people realize what a recent addition to the vernacular it is
Considering NC's one of the y'alliest places around I think people from other places miss that there are at least a dozen different y'alls depending on context. For instance, there is possibly singular y'all, when you want to know if someone is single, small group y'all, medium y'all, large y'all...
It's funny, my mother's family pronounces "tire shop" more like "tar shahp" but used "you all" and never "y'all"
Except my cousin's family, the only family members has met so far, so she can't back me up on the previous claim... They "y'all" more than anyone
That's true def had relatives like that, and plenty of people use you all/y'all, depending. The survey ends up asking us if we favor formal vs. informal speech.
They use "ain't" a lot, too. That one I never picked up. I did pick up "'preciate it" living in Alabama, despite remembering being taken aback the first time I heard it from a classmate that I loaned a pen in my new school in ninth grade
Really? Mine never said "ain't" on one side of that side of the family.