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Speaking as a semanticist, it's wild to me that they are phrasing it in terms of whether an *act* is characterized as "official", when what they seem to actually be talking about is whether there exists a *description* of the act that can be characterized as "official".
March 23 1933, the Enabling Act becomes law in Germany, giving the chief executive power enforce his own laws without checks and balances. The passing of the Act marked the formal transition from democratic republic to totalitarian dictatorship. 6 months later, it was a 1 party state.
It’s bad y’all
I feel like the main political divide on this website is between “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I hate him” and “Joe Biden is terrible and old and I will crawl over broken glass to vote for a rancid ham sandwich against Donald Trump” very few people are actually huge fans of the guy
Current and permanent mood
And now a lot of our really important laws just kinda don’t work anymore Jesus fuck
I would vote for an empty seat to stop someone who was a genuine threat to democracy like Trump But we are facing a genuine threat to democracy, and that was an unacceptable response. We MUST do better
I recommend reading through the Rahimi decision, concurrences and dissent. Decision: Bruen was fine, but let’s not get crazy. Gorsuch, Kavanagh: Bruen may be nuts, but originalism is good! Kagan, Sotomayor: We done told you Jackson: Look at the mess you made Thomas: DIE UNHAPPY LOSERS
Imagine asking for bond to be denied while wearing a bowtie
We should name other pets the way they name derby horses
I'm sick and tired of career politicians shooting dogs in a cynical bid to steal police valor
You know what's so fun about all this Fani Willis stuff? A bunch of lifelong prosecutors without an ounce of mercy in their hearts had to do criminal defense work for a week and immediately shit the bed
Fulton County asked to sanction the defense in this case knowing full well that Nathan Wade's own attorney had confirmed to her that her motion was accurate?
No one wants to see Trump convicted more than me I was not impressed by Mr. Wade’s candor
Little Shop of Horrors is gold
I can’t believe my desk has the *audacity* to still be in the state I left it in last week
HBO Max has a thing called Calcifer Yule Log which is thirty minutes of Calcifer from Howl’s Moving Castle, sitting on a log. It rules so hard.
was bilbo the hobbit really "that unlikeliest of creatures" to find the ring that had just spent centuries in the possession of none other than a different fuckin hobbit
I present to you the TRUE story of the Minnesota State Flag.
Finally invited to the adult table over here
End of feed.