
One of the things about generative art and writing using the current neuralnet models is that there has *always* been an enormous market of extremely rich people who want something just like something else that they don't have to pay much for.
You see it everywhere in hotels: art that looks like something, but was produced in bulk for flate rates. Hearst's castle is *full* of it -- paintings that look like popular pastoral stuff, except they're all unattributed. It's all for people whose taste is "do people like me if I like this?"
The phenomenon is ancient. The history of art and literature is a history of cheap knock-offs. It's especially prevalent in religious communities where the specific content is more important than the execution.
What's different now is the the convergence of media consolidation and tech development has created a scenario where several generations of artists and writers can just be locked out of any kind of meaningful financial benefit from their work The real question is will the bubble pop before that?