Zak Jarvis

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Zak Jarvis

Artist, writer, extremely niche historian. He/him.
What I’ve learned today is that seeing Marine le Pen crying because she didn’t win the election can give the whole world joy. It’s not quite as good as the great animated gifs of nazis getting their gobs socked, but it’s up there in the pantheon.
Kicked off writing tonight with this track from Grails, which sounds like it could’ve been on the soundtrack to The Duke of Burgundy, but wasn’t.
A Mansion Has Many Rooms, by from the album Black Tar Prophecies Vols. 4, 5, & 6
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killingmork I cut Mork belly his intrial spill out 😈😈 lisa64 DELETE THIS killingmork NO!! He will never to Ork now. Except as corp 🔪🩸 lisa64 Robin Williams died this morning, at his own hand. killingmork Oh my GOD 😭 I have no idea /ooc killingmork I swallow 10 cup of Mork blood in Robin honor 😭
A thing that’s really stuck with me, apropos of nothing — nothing at all! — I was once at dinner with a bunch of folks talking about Harlan Ellison and when I told them that he’d hit on my mother and when told she was 15 he didn’t care, it was treated as a funny “oh, Harlan!” story.
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snake oil just isn’t useful outside of snakes
The characters from Inside Out in *my* head.
Okay, okay. Three ghosts to visit me?
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Hey Bluesky. Have an image of Henry Clay readjusting Andrew Jackson's attitude.
I have definitely achieved some kind of mental break, working on this novel. Today I felt that really delicious sad you get from a good tragedy by thinking about what I’m planning to do to my characters, and realizing what I was doing, I was happy about how it’s going. I was happy that I was sad!
Increasingly, I want to return to the prelapsarian time when we did not all possess this strange psychic ability to be aware of the all the errant thoughts that seep out of the minds of internet-connected humanity. I understand now. We are not a sapient species. Leaving the forest was a mistake.
Today, being an artist and a writer hurt me. Making a portrait of my characters, a horrible interaction between conflicting morph targets made my dude look like Ted Cruz. I had to keep looking at it to figure out what happened and fix it. I am being punished by the gods for my hubris.
It is 6,000,000° here. This is what the cat wants.
It’s always a good day when you’ve got an excuse to name a character Anaximander.
Somehow, despite many problems in my life and the world, I keep spitting out about a thousand words a day on the novel. Well over halfway through. Described the premise to a friend and completely horrified them.
Guess I’m gonna just stay on the THC train for the next… uh. Foreseeable future.
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hey. what did you mean by "load-bearing twink"
World sucks. Nothing I can do about it but keep writing my novel and working on making my life livable.
Fun fact: the family name Hives is the same as Ives. Hives, in this case, is effectively a trade name for dockworkers. As in “hive of activity”: a dock. And the bee version is related in the obvious way, and probably came somewhat later.
Dang. This novel got big while I wasn’t looking. Up over 50k words. It will *probably* shrink in revision. Got very talky characters, but I’m a bit over the halfway mark.
Finally watching She Is Conann. How is this movie like this‽
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Finally, the All-Drug Olympics is real.
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I've made a huge mistake Got hungry and stoned and ate an entire jar of fibre gummies branded FIBER IN THE HOLE I am gonna fucking regret this today BTW, Grunkle Tia is precisely this stupid. This entire site has permission to mock me over this.
I am going to be so far up my own asshole by the time I finish this novel, my doctor’s gonna ask me to take pictures.
Kicked off writing today with this one, from the superbly named Disemballerina. Probably doing something right with the book, I told Sharon that chapter 8 is called Continuity, and it made her wince.
Year of the Horse, by from the album Poison Gown
My new service will take simple sentences and spruce them up in 19th century fashion. Old: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. New: Round back at the point where all things got their proper start, the eminence of his Grace, God Almighty was made to manifest all things terrestria…
One of the things about generative art and writing using the current neuralnet models is that there has *always* been an enormous market of extremely rich people who want something just like something else that they don't have to pay much for.
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I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.