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An American fed up with both political parties. Time to throw them all out and replace them with people committed to making the world better for our children and grandchildren. Choose kindness.
Reposted byAvatar Zapzem
What are ideal characteristics of candidates for the US House of Representatives in an organized effort to end the Republican and Democrat duopoly? They: 1. do not want the office; 2. believe in making lives better for ALL Americans; 3. are committed to political system change (proportional rep); 4?
Reposted byAvatar Zapzem
Reposted byAvatar Zapzem
The fairytale case is New Zealand (, but there are probably also lessons to draw from Ireland, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Portugal, and others. Anything to strengthen alternative parties (e.g., Green, Libertarian, Peace & freedom) will be key.
MMP in New Zealand turns 30 at this year’s election – a work in progress, but still a birthday worth It was the first time in a Westminster democracy that citizens were given the chance to change their electoral system. The rest is history.
Reposted byAvatar Zapzem
Basically all US institutions are completely rotten and what we are currently witnessing is people flipping over the rocks to reveal the decay
In 2026 America will celebrate it's Semiquincentennial - 250 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It would be a great year to throw out everyone from the House of Representatives and start fresh.
A third party that held enough seats could have enormous influence if there is not a majority held by a single party. Being able to negotiate with both sides would be enormous advantage. For a new party to emerge vs the duopoly is nearly impossible. Is there a way to break through the barriers?
While I love the flag, sometimes the red/blue duopoly comes to mind. When I want to imagine America with more choices for those of us who do not align with the two-party system, I think purple.
Reposted byAvatar Zapzem
Whenever we choose kindness, we aren’t just brightening someone else's day, but we’re nurturing parts of our souls. We’re echoing the kind of world that we’d want to live in. Let’s remember that kindness always comes back to us sometimes in the most unexpected and beautiful ways. #OneLove
"There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution." -- John Adams
Perhaps the most important characteristic of a great legislator is that they only sought office because the country needs their service - they would prefer to be doing something else. (Our system makes such candidates as common as unicorns.)
Hello World! I am an American fed up with the status quo of the duopoly of political parties. I believe every single member of Congress should be replaced. I am not easily classified into the existing right-left/red-blue framework. We should focus on improving things for our kids and grandkids.
End of feed.