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Same name & pic since MySpace, working on it!
Master procrasturbator who LOVES drafts for tinkering with posts, big fan of naps & pie but not at the same time
"Speak up if you want something. Stand up to any1 using manipulative tactics to push you in a direction that doesn’t suit your needs. Walk alone if it helps get you to a place that offers peace of mind, comfort & opportunities to follow your heart & dreams."
"Proceed with caution. Only some people will share your beliefs or have your back. Choose your words wisely & promote what you are willing to offer, & you’ll get the help you require to reach your objective. Protect your reputation, home & health from outside influences."
"Your creative imagination will encourage you to follow your heart & to enjoy what life offers. Speak up & share your ideas, & you’ll gain insight into who can assist you in reaching your goals. You can’t please every1, but make a point to please yourself."
"Take better care of yourself & your possessions. Refuse to let any1 take advantage of your generosity or kind heart. Put your energy into projects or pastimes that you find exhilarating. It’s up to you to make opportunities, not wait for them to come to you."
"Look at the big picture before you step in & take over. Understanding the ramifications of a gesture before you make a move is essential. Hit the reset button & determine what you can do differently for better results. Change what’s necessary to get things done."
"Pass over the details & fine print. They're 4 other people! You should B focused on the big picture & make sure that your people take care of everything else so u can think." "Any small differences in ways u begin will bode well 4 u- as long as you're still heading in the same overall direction."
"Settle any differences amicably. Refuse to let your emotions supersede common sense & goodwill. How you treat others & personal situations will reflect what you receive in return. Compromise is necessary if you want to put unfinished business behind you. Choose peace & love over discord." 😕
"Take care of your responsibilities first, or some1 will bring it to your attention. Once you free up your schedule, jump in if something piques your interest. A change may not be welcome, but something good will unfold if you tweak what isn’t working correctly."
"You don’t have to be trendy to fit in or broaden your awareness or position. Focus on putting the best team together to get the results you want. Avoid drama & swap it for those offering suggestions within your orbit. Be true to yourself."
"Keep your thoughts to yourself & go about your business. Spending less time explaining will make it easier to get things done. Focus on what you can accomplish, & continue until you're satisfied with the results. Put your energy where it counts."
"Temperatures will rise as talks heat up. Know what you're getting into before you banter with some1 you love. You stand to lose if you force your will on others. Consider consequences before you engage in battle. Compromise will be your best route forward." 🌡️
"Don’t start something you can't finish. Keep your thoughts & feelings to yourself til you sort through the facts & have time to calm down. Put your energy where it can do some good, & participate in a cause that improves your life & the world."
"Think before you act or speak. Make sure you have your facts straight & a practical plan in place. The outcome of whatever situation you face will depend on what you contribute & willingness to compromise to get what’s important to you."
"Check all the boxes before moving. Some1 will trick you into thinking something is OK when it isn’t. Question, observe & put your energy into getting facts & figures before you commit to something that puts you in a vulnerable position."
"Be aware of what you must do, & don’t let any1 talk you into spending or doing more than necessary. Budget wisely & call in favors. Put your energy where it brings the highest return, & be ready to dismiss any negativity that you encounter."
"Labor over what’s fact & what’s fake til you're satisfied with your findings. Starting with the truth will help you make better decisions & determine which path will get you where you want to go. Refuse to follow some1 else when it doesn’t benefit you."
"Listen, but don’t trust or believe everything you hear. Abundance comes from intelligent investing & spending only on necessities. Saving will lead to peace of mind & the freedom to enjoy lifestyle options that add to your comfort & joy. Protect against insult or injury." 💰💸
"A positive attitude & high-energy response will help you outmaneuver any1 trying to get in your way. Some1 u least expect will withhold information, misinterpret you or lead you astray. When in doubt, go directly to the source, ask questions & address your concerns."
"Increase the pace & broaden your awareness. What you learn will help you put your life in perspective. Fact-check, & distance yourself from any1 offering misinformation. A passionate approach to life, love & happiness will get you moving in a direction that gratifies the soul."
"Think before you act or speak in order to avoid a rift with some1 close to you. Laugh at your mistakes, & be willing to compromise & learn something from the experiences you encounter. Don’t be fooled by scams or some1 trying to sell you something."
"Spend more time researching. There is no room for error when some1 isn’t honest regarding your friendship, money or health. Use your connections & skills to discover the nuances of getting from 1 place to another with the least distress. Opportunity's within reach."
"Take an interest in educational pursuits, travel & what others offer. Step into the spotlight- you’ll influence those craving the same things you are. Be sure you have your facts straight to avoid negative feedback. Being known for your honesty will build credibility."
"Be open & receptive toward others & their offers. Communicating & following up are your best routes to getting what you want. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or make suggestions, but don’t expect complete transparency. Being observant will help you determine where you stand & what’s possible."
"Reach out, gather information, live & learn as you navigate your way forward. You’ll discover an unusual path or source that will encourage more innovative investments & handling of funds. A connection you make will offer insight into new ways to use your skills & qualifications."
"Research where your money goes. Set up a budget you can live with, & put an end to unnecessary subscriptions & expenses. Use intelligence, insight & energy to reach your potential. Look for opportunities & alliances that contribute to your long-term goals. Love & self-improvement are favored."
"Having an open mind, high energy & discipline will help. The problem you’ll face is the temptation to veer off course. Communication, travel & educational pursuits will attract you, but you will need help distinguishing between fact & fiction. Take time for research & self-improvement."
"Take on an exciting venture- physical activity or making a difference will offer satisfaction & put you front & center when trying to make an impression. A change to how you manage your money will lead to financial freedom. Disciplined spending will pay off." 💰💸
"Share your ideas with some1 who can offer positive suggestions & warnings. Common sense will be necessary to avoid financial loss. Focus on self-improvement, keeping in shape & putting your best foot forward. A domestic change will turn out better than you anticipate."
"Channel your energy wisely, or you will end up in a controversial situation that puts you in a vulnerable position. Be a good listener, & you’ll discover the best way to maneuver your way forward without setting off alarms or facing a no-win situation. Go about your business."
"Take a step back & wrap your head around what’s possible. Getting worked up over something you can't change will add undue stress. Focus on areas that help you gain ground financially & physically, & you'll find a means to an end."