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Same name & pic since MySpace, working on it!
Master procrasturbator who LOVES drafts for tinkering with posts, big fan of naps & pie but not at the same time
I was out in it & not happy about it, either! Here he is with Dad, who thinks they're ALL crazy for going outside
He got out again last night & I'm still waiting for him to come back in but I now have conclusive proof that this stripey fellow can get into the garage from outside, I just don't know if he can get OUT from inside it
My oldest LOVES belly rubs but only from me, he's a sweetie
"Your creative imagination will encourage you to follow your heart & to enjoy what life offers. Speak up & share your ideas, & you’ll gain insight into who can assist you in reaching your goals. You can’t please every1, but make a point to please yourself."
Pretty white whiskers! This boy has multicolor whiskers & is somewhat bigger now
This beautiful wildcat tabby is Lokita as a kitten, so named cuz she's a fluffy little bundle of mischief
That was my plan, I have this sweet, beautiful boy to represent- though he's considerably bigger now
"Keep moving, but pay attention to detail & oversee every step to ensure you get the most out of your day. Refrain from sharing financial information or secrets to your success, regardless of who applies pressure. Work hard & reap the rewards."
"Put your energy to work for you. Engage in activities that allow you to use your imagination & intelligence. Don’t let some1’s change of plans disrupt your day. It’s up to you to generate opportunities & make things happen. Choose the path that sets you free."
Thanks, every little bit helps
"Push forward with enthusiasm. A spirited approach will help you raise awareness among your peers & encourage others to support your decisions. Don’t take risks with money or health. An unexpected gain is apparent. Weigh the pros & cons, & make an unorthodox move."
"Make your dialogue suit your audience. Too much information or forceful action will discourage some1 you need from participating. Your actions will determine how much help you receive. Kindness & understanding will encourage others to join your cause. Compromising will help you reach your goal."
"Pay attention to how you look & present yourself to the world. Learn from experience, & research protocol before you jump into something new. Let your charm, speed & agility lead the way, & you’ll attract the right people. Reconnecting with an old friend will be enlightening."
The kitties keep us going through these challenging times
"You’ll get help if you ask. A change will make a difference to the outcome of a medical, financial or legal situation. Do what’s best for you, & focus on your next move. Listen to your inner voice, & use your charm to bolster prospects."
"A little adventure will spark your interest & broaden your awareness regarding possibilities. Use your imagination, & it will trigger an impulse to participate in something that concerns you. Your input can & will make a difference. Stop dreaming & start doing."
The smaller boy here had his back foot go paralyzed at 1 mo- feeling eventually recovered & he's thriving & adorable now but lost his toes on that foot
A loaf & a sprawl here
I feel your photo foibles- beautiful kitties, surrounded by fallen trash
"Participate & connect with people who share your concerns. Being part of something that can improve your life & your community will give you a sense of belonging & encourage you to do what you can to bring about positive change." 🔗
This boy loves attention & belly rubs
"Don't rush. Accuracy & preparation are encouraged if you want to go the distance & achieve your goal. Less talk & more action will help you maintain the surprise element that intrigues those you want to impress. Strive for spectacular instead of adequate."
"Look for a cost-efficient way to bring about positive change. Share feelings & participate in events that offer hope. Changing how you earn or manage your money will lead you to less stress & more freedom. Join forces with some1 who shares your ideologies." 💰
Wow, that looks like the baby in my header if he'd lived long enough
Stop trying to make everybody overthink everything! Let us all do what we want- let it be, let it flow, LET IT GO! 📻 m.youtube.com/watch?v=8mm0...
Hard to beat a gato in a sombrero (this is my fluffy Lokita as a kitten)
"Push forward with strength & courage. Don’t settle for less- stand your ground & make things happen! Accept a challenge & use wit, intellect & speed to outmaneuver any1 who gets in your way. Set high standards & don’t back down. Romance is favored."
These kittens kept nursing long past their weaning, even though Mom's milk dried up- like thumb-sucking, for comfort
I have 2 more that look like him- his mom & brother- but he's the smallest (though he may get bigger than mom any time now)