
As though I needed more reasons to be done with #GooglePixel devices: My partner's #Pixel5a is broken for the 2nd time due to a known motherboard issue Google covers under an extended warranty. Instead of immediately repairing, replacing, or refunding... (1/3)
...the defective device, #GooglePixel support said they will take 2 weeks, will only replace it with a Pixel 6a (did they ever solve the radio issues with the 6th generation Pixel devices?), and don't even have the decency to throw in a headphone adapter. (2/3)
After all the hours on the phone, it sounds as though partner's best hope is sell the replacement device for enough money to offset the cost of a (non-Pixel) replacement phone because Google's warranty won't actually get them a device with the feature set they paid for. (3/3)