Z(achary) Yaro

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Z(achary) Yaro


Game & software designer/dev who enjoys geeking out over sci-fi and science that is no longer fictional · My views ≠ employers' · Follow ≠ endorsement · More active on mastodon.social/@ZMYaro · xe/xem

🔗 https://zmyaro.com · https://bio.link/ZMYaro
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Just remember: Arts & Humanities are so useless and pointless that Tech Bros were driven to spend billions of dollars to try and get a computer to do something that badly approximates something Arts & Humanities students could do half asleep and wired on coffee the night before the due date.
In case anyone else has been in this infuriating situation for months and can't figure out why: If the #GoogleCalendar Android app won't let you drag and drop events on your calendar to reschedule them, check whether you have “Select to Speak” turned on in Accessibility settings!
RT [email protected] 😕 speed trap 🧐 amphetamine transsexual
There was a free ice cream truck at a Pride picnic last week, and I couldn't resist getting a cursed Sonic popsicle 😄
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This always makes me mad you know these are the same people throwing things at you for riding in the street.
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I know many here love the ableist Biden is feeble narrative. Just a reminder they did the same thing to Hillary, and the same people were freaking out over her feebleness. Policy issues ≠ personal ones. Please do not fall for bigotry bc you aren't getting everything you want.
It is maddening and depressing keep hearing last week's debate was good for Trump and bad for Biden. Like yeah, my delivery will also be less streamlined if I try to remember and accurately quote a billion facts than if I can just fill in any blank with the first nonsense that comes to my mouth.
RT @www.jrrjokien.com But they're BOTH so OLD! Gandalf can barely remember his passwords and even forgot that people called him Gandalf (yikes), while Saruman betrayed the Free Peoples of middle-earth and led an insurrection that stormed Helm's Deep. You can see how they're equally bad choices.
This is like what I have been saying with @CambBikeSafety folks about recent projects: much needed safer bike lanes along streets, but then keeping known unsafe designs at intersections—failures that have resulted in 2 deaths in the past month! twitter.com/sainzcaccia/... twitter.com/sainzcaccia/...
RT @ndrew_lawrence.twitter.com Joe Biden now has the opportunity to create several SCOTUS vacancies in the funniest ways possible
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"It's so nice seeing a young lady wearing crosses" Um, yea…
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I made this Pride flag using only NASA images and our team thought it would be cool to share on social (I work on the NASA heliophysics communications team), but it's getting all sorts of hate on the bird app and Fbook. Thought y'all might be more appreciative of it here. ☺️🏳️‍🌈💖
I have so little patience for people insisting Z/llennials are anxious because of our phones. Do you think limiting federal agencies' abilities to protect workers and consumers would be less awful if I read it in a newspaper??
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Judicial appointments are why I will crawl over broken glass to vote *against* Republicans in November and every election. Doesn't matter to me how the Dem candidate performs in a "debate 🙄."
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Republicans spent 50 years solidifying their power to dismantle protections. Even if Biden isn't everything you want, he's laying a foundation for more progressive candidates in 2028, 2032… Your favorite candidate needs the groundwork laid for them from previous administrations to be effective.
Judicial appointments are why I will crawl over broken glass to vote *against* Republicans in November and every election. Doesn't matter to me how the Dem candidate performs in a "debate 🙄."
I am so tired of phone reviews like, “It would be amazing, but it doesn't do120 Hz or wireless charging.” Wireless charging is still an inefficient luxury, and ridiculous increasing app resource usage is going to have things down to 10 FPS in a few years no matter what the screen's refresh rate is.
As though I needed more reasons to be done with #GooglePixel devices: My partner's #Pixel5a is broken for the 2nd time due to a known motherboard issue Google covers under an extended warranty. Instead of immediately repairing, replacing, or refunding... (1/3)
R.I.P. all the nonprofits that didn't switch from #Slack to Discord or some other competitor ASAP 😞
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Thank you to everyone who came and shared ideas and visions for #DavisSquare at Monday's neighborhood council meeting. If you couldn't make it, catch up on meeting notes at sites.google.com/vie..., and join the conversation at groups.google.com/g/...#DavisSquare at Monday's neighborhood council meeting. If you couldn't make it, catch up on meeting notes at sites.google.com/vie..., and join the conversation at groups.google.com/g/...! #Somerville #Camberville
Meetingssites.google.com Our last meeting was Monday, June 24th; our next will be Monday, July 29th at 6:00 PM.
RT @michimama75.twitter.com Me, in a half asleep haze with a genius thought: I better jot that down The thought:
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Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, in Central Square. #MA_4FEW67 #MD_7FF5753 Having to merge into Mass Ave. traffic for a minute is dangerous enough, but 7FF5753 forced folks into traffic for the rest of the block!
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Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge. #MA_3YJE43 If you can't parallel park, just take the bus.
I almost got hit by a minivan turning right on red (when cars and bikes going straight had the green) at Mt. Auburn & DeWolfe on the way to work this morning. Xe stopped when I shouted, thankfully, but yeah, the city needs to figure out what it can do about that intersection.
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Brattle Street, Cambridge, in Harvard Square. UPS and Cambridge Landscape Co. can't parallel park, and they decided to make that everyone's problem.
My biggest birthday present to myself: I now have my favorite 999 box art, and a complete collection! #ZeroEscape #NineHoursNinePersonsNineDoors