
some things we, as a society, have recently done to teens: -traumatized them with gun violence -vastly reduced their rights to reproductive healthcare -had a moral panic about their genders -abandoned them to the ravages of covid, destroying their immune systems it's not tiktok that fucked em up
if you're a kid in the US you have seen the adult world fully abandon your interests in health and safety in every way, from refusing to install air filters in classrooms to refusing to address climate change.
Not a kid & on i am enraged by…so much. And terrified. What is going to happen to me when I need care?
i'm so exhausted. i need to stay healthy, because my health is so fragile, but it feels futile - i share a house with someone who doesn't mask, so if something is virulent, i will get exposed regardless. i have a friend who is housebound in fear. we're all so tired.