
It is not Pessimistic or Unrealistic or anything to say that if the Republicans win in November the chances of HRT being outlawed for trans people entirely across the country is basically guaranteed And even it they lose, if nothing is done about The Supreme Court then it's still on the table
The Biden administration cannot enforce new anti-discrimination rules in health care for transgender Americans, a Mississippi federal judge ruled, citing a recent landmark Supreme Court ruling that weakened the power of federal agencies.
Judge cites new Supreme Court ruling in blocking health care anti-discrimination protections for transgender Americans | CNN The Biden administration cannot enforce new anti-discrimination rules in health care for transgender Americans, a federal judge in Mississippi ruled Wednesday, citing a recent landmark Supreme Court r...
Like I'm going to vote for Biden not because I like him or even want him to be President, he's an absolute monster, but if he loses then it's Done. Trans folks won't be able to live in America. We'll be outlawed. We'll be forced to detransition. And that's just what they've ADMITTED they'll do
This is a hellish situation and trans folks are just one of many groups that are going to be in the cross hairs (honestly might be literal ones) if things go bad in November but fuck me is it hard to see "Oh no, the people who have barely done anything to help you can't even do that now. Buckle up."
I'm deep in the closet regarding my queerness in meatspace, but even I'm prepping for an exit in case of a Trump victory. Until then I'm pushing hard with everyone I know to vote Biden, because our choice is LITERALLY "Democracy continues or fundamentalist dictatorship is enacted".
Agree. TBH the fact that this election cycle hasn’t been a slam dunk for Dems infuriates me to no end. It’s like Biden’s determined to tank his own party and our good faith in what little he’s accomplished in office, and it’s been absolutely maddening to watch.
They just have to DO THINGS to stop the rampant destruction the GOP is carrying out and instead all he and his admin are doing is going "aw jeez. Ain't that terrible. Just awful. Well. Vote for us in the fall so we, the current president and senate, can do something about it eventually!"
For real, trump’s retinue is marching in with a literal written manifesto, and biden’s plan is to sit on his hands and say “vote for me because I won’t be as bad as the other guy” like, GIVE US SOMETHING **CONCRETE** TO RALLY AROUND
And sadly, we need Congress too. Biden can do very little on his own.
yeah people snap at you like you're some kind of boomer if you say these things but it's literally there, they've had no qualms about saying these things outright and they have a fucking website for a lot of it! heritage foundation is casually talking about bloodshed.. this is the ugly calculus
I’m definitely starting to research sourcing estrogen other than from prescription. I’m not fucking going back. Death first.
Absolutely. I am only voting for him out of necessity. I am convinced anyone who votes R is a a fucking idiot with a small dick and so many insecurities that Dr. Froid (sp) would call it quits.