
I feel like every trans gal who has come out in the last...8-10 years did the Faceapp swap and truly, while it is some good gender brain when you're just poking at the borders of your identity, you'll always end up better looking cause you'll be YOU and not a weird artificial AI homonculus.
yr gonna be hotter than that goofy faceapp gender swap u tried as a joke, for the bit, haha just to see what it looks like aha
There's so much more to transitioning and finding yourself than just "face goes more girl" You're gonna find your own style. How you like to wear your hair. Whether you like doing a ton of make-up or not. How your smile changes once you're not as bogged down. You're gonna be more than a FaceApp.
this makes me so excited. I get so nervous, but then i think about how i looked with the weight loss and get more excited. Thank you!
I've seen this said numerous times and it fills me with great hope
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Between surgery and hormones, one thing I've felt is that manual puberty is still *puberty* ... you can't control and won't know how you'll look on the other side, just that it will be better, and different.
i never saved any of the ones i did ("oh okay i guess i could be pretty if i were trans but unfortunately i'm not, oh well") but what i remember is that it made me look generically girl, but i still had the sad distant egg eyes under the fake mascara and there's only one way to get rid of those
I look so much better than my face app. It also was useful in finding out who I could trust early on. I still remember my BIL saying "why would you show that to anyone" 🫤