Zordrak Shadowfang

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Zordrak Shadowfang


Storm Dragon / Dracokitty. Plays board and video games.
This was interesting. As I started using the internet in the 90s, my texting certainly followed from my IRC, MUCK, and email usage, so I can see how these results fit. Granted, I didn't have a good answer for one of the emoji questions as I basically never use them.
Half of my answers got slapped by Tech Issues. But I wouldn't say that it's necessary an incorrect results. Mostly becuase I really don't get a lot of the nowadays internet slang, the memes and stuff like that; for those who actually don't knows me.
I wonder what kind of jobs are out there that require moderate traveling, but isn't sales or a similar position. I don't want to be away from home all of the time, but I wouldn't mind traveling long distances even here and there.
Just finished playing through the first few scenarios of Gloomhaven Buttons & Bugs. So far it's been pretty good. It still has the general Gloomhaven gameplay, with only a few minor adjustments to condense the game materials and space needed.
My brother got me going down memory lane, thinking of Show Biz Pizza and the Rockafire Explosion. Now I couldn't help but think what some furries could do with animatronics if given the time and resources.
I've heard nothing but good things about this series so far. The mask also looks pretty cool.
My second book is out today! I’m so excited! Get it on audio, ebook, or print at JoaquinBaldwin.com Please help me spread the word 💖 Share+comment to enter the MASK GlVEAWAY.
One thing my time in the UK made me realize is how much I miss having friends close by that I could visit every now and then. I'm not particularly good at making new friends and I moved away from my hometown,including my old friend group, over a decade ago.
Well, unless I can find a means to fix this shoulder strap, it looks like it might be time to retire this bag for travel.
Some lady at the airport is letting her kids play on the conveyor walkways. Not only is this not safe, it blocks people from using them to get around the airport.
Boarding my first flight of three, heading to Frankfurt for a lengthy layover.
One thing for certain, after my trip I'll be an expert at queuing.
Well, today is my last day in the UK. Got back to Birmingham last night and I fly out tonight. Sadly illnesses after the convention put a damper on things, as such I didn't get to meet people afterwards as I intended.
After the convention been thinking about fursuits again, even though I can't afford it.
Down in the lobby if anyone wants to meet up one more time before I head out. #cfz2024
Think I somehow managed to get everything packed in my bags. Was difficult to do though.
Confuzzled is officially over. I had a great time and wish I could come more often. #cfz2024
Fire alarm / car park con now commencing. #cfz2024
Trying to decide what to sing for karaoke tonight.
I won these fabulous prizes on Shadow Raccoon's the price is right! #CFZ2024
Also if anyone at Confuzzled would like to meet up sometime, feel free to give me a poke.
Opening ceremonies I'd done. Now on line to do badly at pub trivia.
Guess my first experience with jet lag is sleeping for a good 14-15 hours.
And landed in the UK. Confuzzled isn't far off now.
Made it across the ocean in Frankfurt. Only one more to go.
Boarded to go over the ocean. Soon to be leaving the continent.
I am a bit disappointed. I'm in Canada and yet I didn't find a place at the airport that sells poutine.
I swear I thought I saw a bird flying out of the corner of my eye while in the airport. Apparently I am not crazy.
I remember getting one of these during IFC's Canadian Invasion year. Guess this is likely a source of where they got one.