
This would be good and also very funny, but it won’t happen. In any case, all the Truss appointees from 2020/21 need gone. Truss put them there to undermine the EHRC’s purpose and to turn it into what is effectively an anti-trans lobby group.
Put Ruth Hunt in charge of the EHRC.
If you’re out of the loop: the reason why it would be very funny is because Hunt is one of those “gender-critical” bogeymen. Stonewall was this really timid and obsequious organisation before she took over (this is why cishet people preferred it in the 2000s).
They didn’t even campaign for gay marriage until 2010, IIRC. Not long before the bloody Tories said they were in favour of it. That kind of toothlessness is why nominally “pro-LGB” transphobes think it was better back then. They want more gays like Ben Summerskill who know their place, so to speak.
Good a time as any btw to remind you all that “gender-critical” ideology is in fact inherently homophobic: it seeks to define men and women on the basis of a normative, pseudo-scientific “role” in heterosexual reproduction. And they seek to enshrine that in law.
This is why there’s a shared political interest between LGB and T people btw: the notion that there exists proper “roles” for people wrt sex is a gender norm. We’re both oppressed by these cishet norms.
Idk how even pro-trans people sometimes miss this and see the LGBT+ alliance as good but also, idk, some kind of leftover from a time when “gay” and “trans” weren’t as markedly distinguished as they are today. No. It’s because we all find ourselves confronted with (cis, hetero) gender ideology.
Like, the notion that men should only have sex with women and women should only have sex with men, which is foundational to homophobia: that’s gender.
So just jot that down for the next time some dope asks you why LGB and T are grouped together when the first three describe sexuality and the last one doesn’t. Yes, being trans isn’t a sexuality, but to object to “LGBT+” on that basis completely missed the point.
I wonder how much age is an issue, because I remember petty clearly when being gay was framed as not being a "real" man/woman, or being a "failed" man/woman. Heterosexuality was an integral component of gender roles. Have people really forgotten that? Or do they just want others to forget it?
They seem to think it’s somehow different to be transphobic now yet ignore the many parallels to the bigotry they experienced plus it seems like transphobia is an obsession for many
I think people who were able to believe all these problems went away became very attached to the idea.
I'm in Italy & that's something you still see here. A little while back a mayor (I think 1 of Salvini's Lega) said publically better a dead child than a gay child. There was some pushback, but he's still mayor & still making decisions for his community
She’d be cool Transphobes are equally biphobic and against anyone m-spec, they’ve repeatedly proven it on Twitter