
This is in response to me talking about those activists taking over the Weitzman Museum square with the demand they prove that they *aren't* sending a single dollar to Israel despite there being literally no evidence they are beyond "this is a Jewish museum".
My exact phrasing was that the Museum had, at best, tenuous Israeli connections, which clearly was too generous: I should have said "It is flatly antisemitic to assume a museum of Jewish history is going to be sending donation money to Israel, it's dual loyalty bullshit."
It's one thing to demand an org you know is donating money to Israel to stop doing that and an entirely different matter to demand they give you full access to their financial records so you know they're The Good Kind of Jew.
Museums, famous for being absolute cash generators never in need of sponsorships or patronage.
Do you think the Museum of German Culture in Cincinnati should be audited to make sure they aren't taking or giving cash to AfD?
My sarcastic point is what fucking museum is in the business of giving anybody cash for anything. Im agreeing with you.
Maybe they yank the clear plastic box w/ loose change donations off the wall every other year and send all $10.61 to the Israeli government.
Hey it adds up, man. Just think of the JDAMs you could purchase with this couch cushion wealth.