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Famous artist who is best known for inventing the sphere and 2 dimensional square.
Saw my child for the first time, today. A little bean measured in centimeters; tiny hands cradling their face. I'm feeling a lot of things, joy mostly.
Trump Lawyer: Well thats like your opinion, man. I would like to file a um uh Herbey Writ of postfundmentos. Judge: There's no such thing!
"The People's justifiable concern, compels this Court—again, to express its continuing and growing alarm over counsel's practice of making serious allegations and representations that have no apparent basis in fact—or at least are unsupported by a legitimate basis of knowledge."
Everything about this post makes me feel like im having an acid flashback.
I interviewed Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer on his once-more-revived plan to build Titanic II, a functional and historically accurate replica of the original ship. He now says it will be a “vaccine-free environment.”
Billionaire Says His Long-Delayed ‘Titanic II’ Ship Will Be Antidote to ‘Woke’ Australian mining billionaire Clive Palmer has been trying to build 'Titanic II' for 12 years — but construction still hasn't started
Deactivated the account at Musk's nazi bar. Been meaning to for a while, but Prager U mainlining bigotry into people's timelines was the last straw on the last ember of a doomed bridge.
This meal cost me 78 quatloos on the promenade of deep space 9. This is why people are angry about Joe Biden's economy.
I'm sitting on five invite codes and I have no real friends on the twitters that aren't already here, but if you would like to give a code to a non terrible person feel free to reply or send me a message.
End of feed.