
We’re addicted to controlling people’s lives. Why involuntary commitment rather than a surfeit of free clinics? Why mandatory national service but no job guarantee? We’re obsessed with having the final say over what other people do
Yeah I’d have more patience for this argument if there were affordable, easy to access beds & places in rehab clinics for everyone who *wanted* them first
"Why involuntary commitment rather than a surfeit of free clinics?" Because even with a surfeit of free clinics there will be situations where someone goes off of their meds and begins cutting holes in their skin to get the CIA microchips out.
That person needs a place where they can be held, against their will, until they can be put on the right mixture of antipsychotics that will allow them to distinguish between objective reality and their own thoughts again, and it is inhumane to deny them this.
This is True and Correct, and I fear the the practical effect will be right-wing parents trying to have their LGBTQ+ kids committed. Oversight will need to be pretty significant to prevent abuse.
I am not trying to deny the problems with making involuntary commitment more possible. I am just saying that there is a trade-off on both ends here and we can't let a lack of trust keep us trapped in the worst of both worlds.
I think it's actively irresponsible to suggest that there's a rational way in which a policy tailored to address, again, violent people living on the streets committing violence repeatedly, could be applied to LGBT identity or any mental health problem that isn't actively causing true harm
like, we don't have to just *grant the opposing side's argument* that it's impossible to distinguish queer people from literally dangerously insane people! queerness isn't dangerous insanity! the other side may say otherwise but we have actual facts and logic!
Oh I agree! It would not be rational! But I can see some “red state” judges or legislators allowing some nasty stuff to happen. I don’t think it’s reason to do nothing. The current situation sucks. I’m just dooming I guess.
Parents can already force their minor children into horrific treatment It’s always been legal and it happened to tons of people I knew growing up Unfortunately our society gives parents obscenely high amounts of authority
That is fair, and I agree with your overall stance.