
I need a labeler just for people who cite bullshit jobs unironically.
I don’t understand why people believe rapacious corporations which only care about making money at the expense of everything else would also blow money on a shitload of meaningless layers of jobs?
I think these people think most corporations are largely fake top to bottom — perhaps even including the actual production of the corporation, if it’s abstract or confusing to them — and that the majority of the hires are just to keep the fiction going or something
One of the most shocking things as someone who engages in local and tribal-level economic concerns is how many people are both totally ignorance of how the economy works and think, because of their ignorance, that the economy isn't real.
And I mean basic fucking parts of the economy, like "supply shock and demand pressures aren't real, it's all greedy corpos being greedy."
I've had to deal with things like this at several of the various jobs I tend to work throughout the year- one of them was a guy was booked to go rafting (I work for a rafting company sometimes) on a trip that didn't meet minimums.
Basically, a given rafting trip has to have so many people paying for it to cover all costs for that trip, which isn't just gas and guide pay and wear and tear but also shit like river access and having enough people for the trip to be safe.
Not that this guy knew that, because his reaction was to puff himself up all big at me and say that it's *so unfair* that the company takes all these things into account, that we should just eat the loss when a trip can't eat minimums, which... just isn't how a business works.
Like, you cannot keep a business operational if you just set up the policies such that you're always the one eating the loss. And it's not like we were fucking the guy over either! We wanted to move him to another date, and if he couldn't, we'd jut give him his money back!
That way the whole thing's just a wash for us! But no, we're being greedy by not actively losing money on him. No sense at all.