
Man it must be great to have faith in humanity. Personally, I think that if he didn't have a head cold we'd still be talking about the times that the old man with a speech impediment inevitably tripped over his words in a 90 minute debate.
Last night was a shit show because Biden had a head cold. If he didn’t, we’d be talking about: 1. Trump floating the great replacement theory in a presidential debate 2. Trump saying he’ll support the election results “if they’re fair” 3. Two debate moderators who let Trump say whatever he wanted
Yeah, sometime 14 months ago people On Here decided the takeaway from this debate would be "Biden is old, senile, and unfit for office, we must replace him with a nebulous candidate we suspiciously refuse to name when pinned down."
Like, it's not hard to see that what's going on here is a whole lot of motivated reasoning and pre-written Takes trying their damndest to make Mt. Everest out of a small hillock.