
So this is horrible, of course, but look how selective and hypocritical our outrage is: if he had been eating any other animal it would have been fine. We have decided that _some_ animals are okay to kill and deserve no sympathy because their flesh tastes good, and other animals should be protected.
I thought “RFK ate a dog” was metaphorical, but I was startled to find out today that RFK really *did* eat a dog and took comedy photos with the corpse
It is an incredibly deep seated cultural aversion in the West, you are not going to be able to logic people out of it, and it’s tiresome when commentators make smug comments to this effect about how “illogical” this aversion is.
Emerging briefly from my hermit's cave again to throw my hat in the ring on this as a Native- yeah, me thinking that something bad's going to happen if I talk about owls at night is irrational, and Americans have the floors go 11-12-14. So fucking what?
Lots of cultures have "nonsense" taboos that people have tried to literally beat out of them, and being smug about a culture having some "nonsense" taboo because you see your own culture as superior is, very directly, cultural imperialism.
Yes, it's an imperialistic/supremacist attitude even if that culture's "white", whatever the fuck that means. Nobody owes you a culture that caters to your aesthetics. If you think meat is murder just come out and fucking say that.