
So this is horrible, of course, but look how selective and hypocritical our outrage is: if he had been eating any other animal it would have been fine. We have decided that _some_ animals are okay to kill and deserve no sympathy because their flesh tastes good, and other animals should be protected.
I thought “RFK ate a dog” was metaphorical, but I was startled to find out today that RFK really *did* eat a dog and took comedy photos with the corpse
It is an incredibly deep seated cultural aversion in the West, you are not going to be able to logic people out of it, and it’s tiresome when commentators make smug comments to this effect about how “illogical” this aversion is.
Yeah, "your cultural aversions are illogical and therefore without meaning" is not the slam dunk that people who deploy it seem to think it is.
i think it *is* reasonable to as "is this cultural aversion actually racist?", considering that white culture is, in fact, just racism in a fancy package
"White culture is just racism" Unless you're using some real academic terminology, no it fucking isn't. And if you are, how about you don't?
I say this as a Native, before you gun at me for not knowing anything.