
hoo boy gonna be a big fucking thumbs' down from me on LGM publishing breathless speculation about biden having parkinson's based on the speculation of doctors who know good and goddamned well that they can't and shouldn't try to diagnose people who aren't their patients through the fucking tv
lawyers, guns and money, one of the last blogs standing from the early politics blog age
I don't like that they are doing that shit
campos is way the fuck over his skis into both condescension to the commenters pushing back and armchair expertism on a topic that, unless he suddenly switched from constitutional law to neurology, knows no more about than anyone else who spent a couple of hours reading webmd
Here's what I know about Biden having Parkinsons- he isn't in a chair drooling, but even if he was every person in this country has a moral obligation to vote for him, Harris, or a dead fucking dog over Trump and I'm tired of pretending this is more complex.
If you cannot bring yourself to vote for Biden to keep a fascist out of the highest office in the land even if he's literally being Weekend and Bernie'd by his staff, you *actually* just want to go back to brunch. That simple.
There's room inside the window about the best strategy being keeping Biden in or passing the torch to Harris (I think the former's best but am willing to entertain the latter), but no further.
If you don't understand that Biden and Harris are the horizon of possibilities with the constraint of "stomping fascists until they're crimson puddles in the booth to minimize the amount of stomping in the streets we have to do", you're either aiding the fascists or useless.
I'm winning no friends by saying this, I know, but I don't have the patience to play peacemaker anymore. Get in line or get the fuck out of the way.
need some sort of bot to RT this on the hour until the end of November
No I think this is the consensus leftish view. It’s just the whiniest voices of dissent are the loudest. Either that or they are paid propagandists.