
The interesting thing i found about HP at the time was itā€™s very clear that most non wizard beings are oppressed and yet this is barely examined and the focus is more on the danger to the main charactersā€¦which in retrospect is very interestingā€¦oppressed groups being ā€œdangerousā€
Harry Potter is one of those things where I donā€™t care how important it was or is to you sentimentally or whatever. I insist you find another fucking thing. There are so many things. Other things. Better things. Literally anything.
Itā€™s weird how it went from a cutesy , fun magic romp about a kid becoming a wizard and defeating evil, to that kid becoming a cop to keep enforcing the magic user/non magic user apartheidā€¦ It feels like blatantly engineered propaganda.
The series ā€œmaturing with its audienceā€ made sense but the problem was she then was trying to build YA on a foundation of childrenā€™s book logic and she couldnā€™t pull it off, hence why the later books are so surface level legit I think she just doesnā€™t think too hard about stuff