
“artists don’t understand it’s a tOoL” name me a specific use case then motherfucker, name me ONE cause I garuntee it boils down to “oh AI can tell when you’re nearly out of milk and remind you to get more” level of “innovation” #antiai
While agree with the sentiment, AI is such an overloaded term that depending where you put a boundary it might be useful. Does writing cover letters for people who hate writing bullshit (but feel like they have to get a job) count? Does code completion? Does protein structure prediction?
yeah, there is a gradient when you’d start talking actual tools (like clip studio paint) my specific gripe is with image prompting alone. I should say the current wave of generative “”AI””
I actually think wiring job bulkshit is a good application for it (gee wonder why) but you are right. There’s a distinction between “get it to analyse medical scans for diagnosis” and “your personal chargpt doctor!” you can guess which is the bad one