
“artists don’t understand it’s a tOoL” name me a specific use case then motherfucker, name me ONE cause I garuntee it boils down to “oh AI can tell when you’re nearly out of milk and remind you to get more” level of “innovation” #antiai
it definitely cannot even do that
While agree with the sentiment, AI is such an overloaded term that depending where you put a boundary it might be useful. Does writing cover letters for people who hate writing bullshit (but feel like they have to get a job) count? Does code completion? Does protein structure prediction?
yeah, there is a gradient when you’d start talking actual tools (like clip studio paint) my specific gripe is with image prompting alone. I should say the current wave of generative “”AI””
I actually think wiring job bulkshit is a good application for it (gee wonder why) but you are right. There’s a distinction between “get it to analyse medical scans for diagnosis” and “your personal chargpt doctor!” you can guess which is the bad one
nothing based on llms or generative models is useful. but yes, not long ago, the term 'ai' did mean something.
The acronym 'ai' has been deliberately poisoned to obscure other technologies that actually do useful things.
The thing with “””AI””” is unlike NFT’s it is useful…”enough” to gain all the hype but not enough to justify its existence
yeah, the word for this combination is SCAM
Again, while I generally agree with the sentiment, as a non native English speaker who hates writing bullshit for cover letters, promos, grants and what not, I think LLMs can be useful for stuff like that
Would I like to live in the world that's not the case? Yes please. Do I recognise that LLMs can level the playing field when the goal is to sound like native overconfident dude? Also yes