
reminder that Trump won in a squeaker in 2016 after cheating extravagantly and the vast majority of candidates he's endorsed since his term began have gotten shellacked at the ballot box. he's gonna get destroyed in Nov. and I'm gonna laugh about it
Not sure what has changed from then to now to suddenly have him getting “destroyed”. Not that I don’t want it to be so, I just don’t see it. It will be close again.
He should be losing by 10. It’s scary parties can be this close to electoral parity after one of them does Dobbs and J6.
just ignore the polls...they've been wrong for almost a decade now....the media has to hype Trump up otherwise they have nothing to fill the air with during an election campaign. Meanwhile, GOP is losing state house seats in Alabama.
Special elections are a welcome sign but general elections are harder to predict since they bring in so many more infrequent voters. If I could convince Republican campaigns to ignore polls, I would, since they’d waste a lot more resources.
well, we found another way to get them to waste resources - their orgs are now legal defense funds for Trump