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Wants no Australian to live in poverty!
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Think you might have COVID? Wait 2 days to test. "For COVID, we found that if you only have one test, it's best to wait two days after symptoms arise to use it, because the virus is unlikely to be detectable until then," Published study: www.science.org/doi/10.1126/...
Think You Might Have COVID? Wait Two Days To Testwww.miragenews.com Peek in medicine cabinets across the U.S. and you'll find stacks of leftover COVID tests.When symptoms arise, so do questions: When should I test? How
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Reposted byAvatar AB
Rhinoviruses (about 160 of them, true common cold viruses but also major exacerbators of wheezing and asthma) are having a real moment this year. These are data from the State of New South Wales in Australia. www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/c...
Reposted byAvatar AB
COVID-19 outbreaks in Australian residential aged care facilities: 16 May 2024 🔹Active cases: 3,110 (+560) 🔹Active outbreaks: 378 (+83) 🔹Residents: 2,150 (+364) 🔹Staff: 960 (+196) 🔹Reported deaths in 2024: 389 (+40) @AnikaWells @AlboMP #Nobodyleftbehind www.health.gov.au/resources/pu...
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Reposted byAvatar AB
They charged this Emory professor with battery for asking an officer “what are you doing?” when they were brutalizing a student protester. Just viciously threw her on the ground and then charged *her* with a crime.
Reposted byAvatar AB
Some Feeds that I highly recommend for discovery of interesting people & topics: * For You - a quasi Twitteresque algo * Discover - dunno how this one works, but it's good * Followers - Posts by your followers * #AusPol - Serves the same purpose as the Twatter hashtag, but much saner, & Nazi-free
Reposted byAvatar AB
Re item #1 you can make Bluesky more interesting by following lots more people. Unlike Twitter, Bsky doesn't just shove people (mostly Nazis) in your face; you have to go looking for interesting people to follow. Check your Feeds options, & pick a few that sound like they might be interesting!
Reposted byAvatar AB
The amusing reality here is that nuclear power is expensive, complicated, requires strong carbon pricing and long-term planning from governments and real environmental and social protections to work. *That* is why it doesn't get built: corporations don't like it. And these dudes can blame ideology
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Reposted byAvatar AB
So depressing to see climate-tech people I once liked / respected joining the pile-on, on X, while community notes slaps disinformation and lies as if they're fact-checks underneath This vile site needs to die: ASA-fucking-P iea.blob.core.windows.net/assets/aa21a... www.iea.org/data-and-sta...
Reposted byAvatar AB
"Rather than “helping keep the site alive,” Huang argued journalists should abandon the platform in the hopes of hastening its demise. “We should just nuke it from orbit at this point"" www.mediaite.com/tech/life-af...
Life After X: Journos Who Ditched Elon Musk’s Twitter Speak Outwww.mediaite.com Mediaite spoke with four journalists about what caused them to limit their use of Twitter and what their social media use looks like now.
Reposted byAvatar AB
TikTok hysteria notwithstanding, the heads of the CIA, FBI and Intel community are careful to note that any threat to national security is purely hypothetical. There's no evidence that TikTok has ever coordinated with the Chinese government. theintercept.com/2024/03/16/t...
TikTok Threat Is Purely Hypothetical, U.S. Intelligence Admitstheintercept.com “We have nothing to add,” the FBI said, when asked for evidence of TikTok’s actual threat.
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Reposted byAvatar AB
Victoria: COVID-19 Surveillance Report: 8 March 2024 🔹Deaths: 23 (+2) 🔹Hospital: 156* (-8) 🔹ICU: 5* (-3) *7-day average 🔸Deaths in the most recent 28-day period (24/01/2024 – 20/02/2024) have declined, with a current 28-day total of 96 H/T: @dbRaevn health.vic.gov.au/infectious-d...
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Where are all these more effective nasal delivery vaccinations for #covid we heard so much about? Has progress been made? Have they hit a wall?
Reposted byAvatar AB
Lasagne is one of the great joys in this world. Making it is comforting, sharing it is comforting, people should consider making and sharing lasagne instead of attending religious services.
Reposted byAvatar AB
Reposted byAvatar AB
Our government is going to spend a heap of money on surface ships for future conflicts. Let's hope our adversaries haven't heard of drones. #auspol
Reposted byAvatar AB
Today, we’re excited to announce that the Bluesky network is federating, or opening up in a way that allows you to host your own data! Read more here for how this will affect your experience on Bluesky (in short: it won’t) and why this matters.  bsky.social/about/blog/0...
Bluesky: An Open Social Web - Blueskybsky.social Today, we’re excited to announce that the Bluesky network is federating, or opening up in a way that allows you to host your own data.
Reposted byAvatar AB
Developers! Starting today, you can host your own data. Read our blog post on early access federation for self-hosters for details on how to get started: docs.bsky.app/blog/self-ho...
Today, we’re excited to announce that the Bluesky network is federating, or opening up in a way that allows you to host your own data! Read more here for how this will affect your experience on Bluesky (in short: it won’t) and why this matters.  bsky.social/about/blog/0...
Bluesky: An Open Social Web - Blueskybsky.social Today, we’re excited to announce that the Bluesky network is federating, or opening up in a way that allows you to host your own data.
Early Access Federation for Self-Hosters | Blueskydocs.bsky.app For a high-level introduction to data federation, as well as a comparison to other federated social protocols, check out the Bluesky blog.
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Reposted byAvatar AB
Solving the puzzle of Long Covid Ziyad Al-Aly and I briefly review what we know and what needs to be done www.science.org/doi/10.1126/...