
Isaac Newton is now known as a physicist, but in life he was much more an alchemist. His work in science is inseparable from his work in protoscience and the occult because, at the time, those were all the same thing. He was also a really weird guy, probably because of mercury poisoning.
OK besides this below and DEVO coming out of the Kent State massacre, what are other facts you have about the evolution of art / music /etc that wouldn't be obvious if you didn't know but, retroactively, explain and/or illuminate a LOT ?
Similar to Darwin. He spent more time studying earth worms than he did on evolution. He also turned the stairs of his house into a slide for his children. If he didn't have ADHD I'd eat my hat.
I don’t like to armchair diagnose the dead, but he almost definitely had some neurodivergence, mental health issues, or both.
Weirdly I don't have a problem with people who are long gone. Not a fan of armchair diagnosis of living or recently departed famous people. Darwin was definitely different from the typical. I'm also very sure that's why I've always been fascinated by him.
TBH, I think similar things can be said of many of the most famous creative people from history
My son is autistic and every time someone gives him a look for stimming in public or a kid is mean to him for being different I have to fight the urge to lecture them on how the world wouldn't be how it is without neurodiverse people.