
I'll frankly admit I have been bullied into accepting a Harris swap just to stop this discourse. fuck it
It would be an incredibly risky thing to do with no guaranteed upside but pundits need to justify their existence somehow and apparently writing articles about how Trump is going to make himself dictator has been ruled out by their editors
this is what has convinced me. even lib pundits (and a whole bunch of leftists) simply can't stop themselves from arguing about this shit 24/7, and I see no sign they are going to stop ever
Nobody knows how incumbency advantage *really* works, but it's very possible you'd be giving it up with a move like that. And given Trump was president once already, it might go to him
People are just being way too flippant about this idea overall. It's especially maddening given that we have exactly zero hard evidence that the race has changed. Just a bunch of freaking out