
Bike commuting is one of the few things that literally changed my life. I know it’s not an option for many, many people, but if you can do it, give it a go a couple times a week for a month.
What I've gained: - An appreciation for the bit of world I travel through - A loathing that so many others are forced to choose The Car - A respect for Nature. Thunderstorms especially! - A new sense of self. I know myself in a new and different way. Of how I move, of how I endure, of my limits
It changed my life completely. So much so that I’ve reorganized and streamlined my life so I can prioritize it.
Yes. Changed my life, and my partner’s too. We both very much prioritize bike commuting and bike adventures over most things now.
your state may very well have a "bike to work day" where tons of stops hand out free food & drink & toys etc, which is a great way to try it out!