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Elder Millennial Social Justice Wizard. I use swears and follow smut merchants so only 18+ folks please. He/Him
Feels like an uneven trade but it's nice I can trade my privacy for the ability to talk to my house/bored Amazon employees to ask nicely for it to turn off my lights so I don't have to hit the light switch and runny really fast to my room.
We're at a place where we usually get our kid a hot chocolate but it's summer and junk now. I ask if they want a hot or cold drink and they just grumble with the world weariness of a 37 year old who felt winded after tying their shoes, "hot coffee".
Buying myself a best dad in the world mug because I eat the end pieces of bread loafs
This was a really neat watch. Other recent vids he's covered contain similar spooky shit which is just propaganda for kids (the PragerU junk). It really sucks cuz the people that would listen to someone saying, "hey, check what your kids watch" is already doing it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=52ZX...
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I'm deleting apps off my phone for my job I quit and I'm getting these mixed pangs of anxiety and relief lol. No job is worth your mental health.
I'm working on a good old fashioned western high fantasy story and for whatever reason decided I needed to spend a few hours simulating star systems to make sure imaginery nerds won't "well actually" me if they somehow come across it Also I think it's funny when the planets smash into the stars
My family came here as refugees because of just so many layers of tyranny from being a former colony to leaders put in place through military coups that would always remove any dissidents until one guy said "fuck it, anyone who is smart enough to oppose us is a dissident" and killed millions. Cont.
So there's an event on Fallout 76 now where every hour, you do a little parade and get a fun mask. There's this weird microcosm of capitalism in there where a trading subreddit is trying to use patriotism shit to guilt people into allowing people to just sit at events and do nothing (cont.)
Because of a silly mix up at, "edibles are sometimes not consistent", I am too high and trying to navigate my way around my place quietly so I don't disturb sleeping loved ones. I found it easier to navigate by imagining VATS targeting and turn basing shit mentally. Why is my executive function here
I was kinda mad about something then I remembered Henry Kissinger is dead and it legit gave me a little dopamine boost.
Reposted byAvatar Abracadaniel
Hi! The Onion is bringing back our Writing Fellowship. The fellowship has produced some of the biggest names in comedy, at The Onion and elsewhere. It was a casualty private equity. We are reviving it. The program is six months long and includes health insurance. jobs.gusto.com/postings/the...
The Onion Fellowship at The Onion jobs.gusto.com
So, is rejection sensitive dysphoria (RSD) a trait of adhd or is it a trait of shared trauma from constant correction so we second guess everything we do and over think every reaction to avoid triggers
Hi everyone. Just wanted to let you know an oldies station out here was playing Linkin Park
To my absolute shock and horror, people at a party thought I was just wearing a Hawaiian shirt
I told my partner that I think that a lot of Asian refugees are ND because they were the ones that saw the US and Pol Pot being fucking weird and were the first to GTFO. It came up again now My mom texts me a bit ago to tell me she's going on a round trip train ride with her friends for fun lol
The level design is so dang good. Things are framed so nicely
Hey you should give that Fallen Aces a try. I barely started and I am already digging this vibe so damn much.
Reposted byAvatar Abracadaniel
Dead is the only age that's too late to start being an author.
I'm fairly convinced a lot of delicacies are intentionally vile to make foreigners eat gross shit. Im glad my country's rotten fish water is generally well accepted, though. There's an alternate universe where that was the popular thing and not Sriracha.
Wandering Fallout 76 wearing a leather jacket and jeans and punching Jukeboxes while turning them on in quiet desparation of someone understanding what I'm doing
Reposted byAvatar Abracadaniel
Found ur moms restaurant
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To all you texture peeps in video games, I am the weirdo that wanders around a level looking real close at everything and going dang that's pretty neat.
Watching Regular Show with my partner and it's The Best VHS in the World VHS episode. She used to work at a video store and told some stories. Said the gremlin dude is Danny DeVito cuz he legit stole rare tapes/DVDs and didn't leave a CC on file so they can't bill him youtu.be/2c1r95pLkl8?...
The Best VHS in the World | The Regular Show | Season 3 | Cartoon Networkyoutu.be The Regular Show is anything but, as all you viewers know! Best friends Mordecai the blue-jay and Rigby the racoon, who work, or at least pretend to work, fo...
I'm the only one of my bloodline with a booty and I can't find all that many men's jeans that make my booty pop. This is a travesty.
Reposted byAvatar Abracadaniel
Hate watching cost of living make everything here unlivable and almost impossible to move out from if you have little to no savings. All the places I was looking to move to are now also getting fucked up. When can we have our Seven Samurai/Bugs Life moment when we realize there's more of us.