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Time for Supreme Court term limits, and to show as much respect for this Court’s precedents as they’ve shown for other precedent during their time in power
Just making note of the fact that the supreme court just turned the clock back to 1900 and there's no opposition leader who is a decent orator to explain how horrifying that is.
Why did i subject myself to Ross Douthat’s opinion and presence today? What did i think i would gain?
President Biden’s debate strategy, dropping dead on stage and being wheeled off in a coffin, is unconventional to say the least … but it might just pay off
Time to choose, swing voters! Audible racist lies or inaudible word salad! Hooray
Love our choices for president this year, orange hate demon or inaudible crypt nightmare
BREAKING: Reports indicate that Joe Biden is taking the pill that Bradley Cooper takes in Limitless and is now able to access 100% of his brain
Shame on Hillary, shame on the lobbyists. How disheartening
Me restraining my cat while accepting my pizza delivery.
ME: I got in some trouble at work today THERAPIST: really? what about? ME (beginning to sob): my — my wife’s flags
I for one think RFK Jr should embrace his illithid powers and consume as many mindflayer parasites as possible during this run
I am so angry at the Biden administration for being so brutally wrong, so morally backward, on our complicity in this outrage that what should be an easy clear choice this November — democracy vs fascism, open society vs police state, compassion vs hatred — is muddied into shades of awful. Terrible
What's cool about looking back at the history of college protests is that 19 year old students have been right about every single American war, and the esteemed Harvard educated opinion writers at the New York Times have been wrong about every single American war.
Alito not even trying anymore. Just saying words
The guardian is an outlet I tend to like but they are really reporting trump’s abortion statements at face value and… come on. Have not seen the comstock act mentioned once
I'm sorry guys. It's just that all the reporters live here, and every time we have an earthquake we think somebody is finally nuking us so we get very antsy the rest of the day
I think I'm about ready for catturd3
Seeing this completely unhinged court throw out all semblance of regard for precedent in order to enact its full rightwing dream agenda is the best and most compelling argument for voting for Biden, even if some of his policies appal me. I know it's trite, but it's true and concrete.
Breakdown of chill/downtempo music is: 97% fine vanilla nothingness 3% honestly music of the gods. Mozart would weep at the chillness. Achieves true aural nobility
It's been said before but gotta say it again The most IMPORTANT Starbucks on earth is the one in Astor Place, NYC. It was built on a leyline. It thrums with cosmic resonance. It is at once the cleanest and dirtiest place in the city. I feel like Alexander Hamilton may have pissed there once somehow
I think "FALL ON YOUR KNEES!!!!!!" should be part of every Christmas song. Goes hard
End of feed.