Existential Comics

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Existential Comics


A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also jokes.
European sports rivalries just hit different. In America we will hate a rival because they beat us in the playoffs a couple times. In Europe they are like "yes we hate that team, because in 1456 they disposed our king and did a light genocide against us. Also they dive a lot."
I remember in high school my math teacher could speak Dutch and he spoke a little to show us and not one student believed it was a real language.
every time I see a conductor of an orchestra I can't help but think that Mr Bean could do equally well at this job
Would love for them to find and interview someone who was going to vote for Trump, but got convinced to flip to Biden after watching the debate. It's a big country there has got to be at least one dude like this, let's hear what he has to say.
controversial opinion but "what's in my pocket?" was a bullshit question and Gollum was fully within his rights to cave in Bilbo's skull with a rock
I always loved this AC/DC lyric from "A Touch Too Much", because it strongly implies that they saw the Venus de Milo statue in the Louvre, and thought that the Goddess of Beauty had no arms, and therefore the hottest woman would basically be like Venus – but with arms.
I feel like people don't talk about how cool electricity is often enough. The turbines go spinny spinny down by the river, and somehow that keeps my beer cold?? Absolute first class feature of civilization.
A bit of boxing history, this is Willie "Fat Boy" Meehan, best known for beating future all time great Jack Dempsey twice. In 1918, the New York Sun wrote of him: "Meehan is so fat that blows make no impression upon him."
England is a weird country. They just let ugly people be on the television. They don't even have to be funny, they are even on the regular shows. I'm not sure if it's because England is more ideologically advanced than the USA or if they just don't have enough hot people to go around.
According to the ethical theory of utilitarianism, creating the most happiness is the greatest good, which means the most ethical thing you can possibly do is take your dog to the beach.
Remember in that movie "Catch Me If You Can" how Leonardo DiCaprio didn't know anything about medicine but he fooled everyone into thinking he was a doctor by learning how to talk like them from watching TV? That's basically what AI is doing, and I don't want it prescribing me medicine.
There are generally two philosophies on how to use consumables like potions in video games: 1. use as needed for a boost 2. the correct way, which is to never ever use them no matter what, in case you need them later. even on the last boss. what if this game gets a sequel, huh? what then.
By the way I'm never *ever* going to draw anymore anthropomorphized wolves, or other such animals, so if you followed me recently because of this comic for that reason, uh...if you can just go ahead and unfollow that would be great.
The Three Little Pigs - existentialcomics.com/comic/553
Violence can solve all your problems except for one (other people using violence against you).
"Analytic Philosophy"? Who are you trying to fool? That's nerd philosophy. Call it what it is.
The one thing I like about capitalism is how the World Records are kept by a beer company, the greatest restaurants are crowned by a tire company etc. I think even under communism we should find a way to replicate that kind of a wackiness.
There is only one true moral duty, and it is taking your dog to the park.
Eurovision has to clamp down with an iron first and censor any anti Israel political messages such as "peace", "love", or "life is valuable".
Did you know that the number one cause of human suffering is being born?
that first dude who interbred with a Neanderthal woman probably got a lot of shit from his mates at the time, but looking back, what a legend
People say that men used to be stronger in the past but if you went back in time and showed the average Spartan Warrior the Eurovision Song Contest they would die of a heart attack within seconds.