aburtonmatt.bsky.social follows

Joshua J. Friedman
Joshua J. Friedman
Freelance writer and editor. Formerly of The Atlantic, Boston Review. Copy chief at Columbia Magazine.
A publication that covers the nuts and bolts of political change: Boltsmag.org
Internet Archive
Internet Archive
Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library offering millions of free books, movies, & audio files, plus billions of saved web pages in the Wayback Machine.
Kate Shaw
Kate Shaw
Law prof @Penn, cohost Strict Scrutiny podcast
Tim Carvell
Tim Carvell
Executive Producer, Last Week Tonight. Friend to nearly all the animals.
Seth Cotlar
Seth Cotlar
Teaches US History at Willamette Univ. Working on a book about the long history of the US Right. https://sethcotlar.substack.com/
Because all content deserves to go viral.
Adam Jay
Adam Jay
Socialist with two cats in PDX
extra fabulous comics
Michael Tae Sweeney
Michael Tae Sweeney
I cut film and tv

@mtsw on Twitter and mastodon.social
Perry Bacon
Perry Bacon
Government, policy and elections writer. Views are my own. [email protected]
Branson Reese 🇵🇸
Branson Reese 🇵🇸
"Delightfully tacky, yet unrefined"
Comics Outta Context
Comics Outta Context
Panels from #comics - out of context. That makes them funnier...sometimes. Your home for #ComicsOutofContextAfterDark and #HalJordanRuinsEverything.
Cats of Yore
Cats of Yore
Hi! I’m Molly Hodgdon. I live in Vermont with my beautiful FIV+ cats Fergus and Francie. Banner photo by W. Eugene Smith. Profile pic is a postcard from my collection mailed 1908.

Not a bot. Not selling anything. Just a keeper of forgotten cats.
Kat Abu
Kat Abu
I watch Fox News so you don’t have to. | mmfa | 🇵🇸 | personal account
Disney Prime Video +
Disney Prime Video +
PARODY. All of the popular films and series not coming to Disney+ or anywhere else. Intern @straycunt.bsky.social tweets signed as KH.
Dinosaur Comics!
Dinosaur Comics!
mattie lubchansky
mattie lubchansky
award-winning transsexual comics idiot // boysweekend.biz
Lupita Nihongo
Lupita Nihongo
✊🏾 • Beer • SSF2X • おつまみ大好き • DrinkLocal • Lakers • Dodgers • 阪神タイガース • Joshi Puroresu • お相撲 • Bleeding Heart 🍻 • Fei Long • 春麗 • Karin Kanzuki • Jamie Siu 🍶
Stone Cold Jane Austen
Stone Cold Jane Austen
Feral essayist. Genderclear. They/Thembo. Instructor/Professor: @MorganStateU Words: @MarieClaire_sa @Guardian @The_Rumpus @VICE etc.🖖
ryan cooper
ryan cooper
Managing editor at The American Prospect, cohost and producer of the Left Anchor podcast https://www.patreon.com/leftanchor

Newsletter: https://www.ryanlcooper.com/
Bweaking NuwuS
Bweaking NuwuS
Haiiii! Unofficial BETA bweaking news awewts fwom da BBC! :3
Citizen Shane
Citizen Shane
It's a long way to Shanerary
Aftermath is an independent, worker-owned website about video games and internet culture.

Wagatwe Wanjuki
Wagatwe Wanjuki
antirape activist turned theorist and educator. I make and analyze media. proud bunny mama. she/hers
Jesse Brenneman
Jesse Brenneman
Fake tech show host (Tech Talk) • Podcast editor for Know Your Enemy & Jewish Currents • Vinyl DJ on KBGA • Musician • linktr.ee/jkbrenneman
Jonathan Cohn
Jonathan Cohn
Editor. Political director for Progressive Mass. Opinions are my own. Phone-banking-while-walking evangelist.
Random Restaurant Bot
Random Restaurant Bot
Random Restaurant bot on Bluesky using code created by @friendo.bsky.social, bot engineered by Turbo Dong 420
Chloe Alison Escott
Chloe Alison Escott
how was the syntax?
Your old pal, Catbus from Online
shitposts, shoegaze, cinema
posts are for entertainment purposes only
discord: catbussted
tom mckay
tom mckay
senior IT/cybersec reporter @ IT Brew and BlueSky's number one aquarium guy. official Project Veritas 'certificate of fake news' winner. also known as 'notorious scumbag Gizmodo freak' or 'Dopus Tom'
Unofficial BBCNews (World) Bot
Unofficial BBCNews (World) Bot
An unofficial bot of BBC News (World).

RSS: https://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml
code: https://gitlab.com/tmaehara/bluesky-newsbots
This is NPR 🎙️
Coach Finstock
Coach Finstock
Football. Basketball. Democracy. Cream cheese.

Editor: Eater, The Feast (RIP), Citypaper (RIP) Writer: LA Weekly, Inky, Ranker, Zagat
Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC
Matt Negrin still host of Hardball on MSNBC
The Daily Show, Roy Wood Jr.'s 2023 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Trevor Noah's 2022 White House Correspondents’ Dinner, Hardball on MSNBC
merritt k
merritt k
No recall or intervention can work in this place / patreon.com/merrittk / represented by Connor Goldsmith ([email protected]) / @insecretplaces.com
Will Stancil
Will Stancil
Minnesota guy
Posting to Oblivion
Chris Hayes
Chris Hayes
Bronx boy. Cubs fan. Dad, husband, writer, podcaster and cable news host.
Jamison Foser
Jamison Foser
Political consultant, media critic, and longtime Cassandra.
Tom Scocca
Tom Scocca
Editor of Indignity.net. This Bluesky is about the Machines.
pineapple princess 🔒
pineapple princess 🔒
she/her. sorry about my face, an animal licked it
Max Kennerly
Max Kennerly
17 years in court as a law-talking guy for plaintiffs, now a mix of stuff. Posts too much about politics.

email [email protected]
Mr. Am I Being Detained
Mr. Am I Being Detained
Chief of da autism police and boss of the Irish Mob at the same time. Cousin, I’m a union man.
Radley Balko
Radley Balko
Journalist. Author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Co-author of The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist.

Substack: radleybalko.substack.com
Robert Reich
Robert Reich
Berkeley professor, former Secretary of Labor. Co-founder of Inequality Media. Substack: http://robertreich.substack.com | Mastodon: http://masto.ai/@rbreich | LinkTree: linktr.ee/rbreich
Randall Munroe
Randall Munroe
Patrick Klepek
Patrick Klepek
editor @ Remap // editor @ Crossplay newsletter // formerly Waypoint, Giant Bomb, others // tips: [email protected] // signal: 224-707-1561
Ed Zitron
Ed Zitron
British, But In Las Vegas For Some Reason

Newsletter - wheresyoured.at
https://linktr.ee/betteroffline - podcast w/ iheartradio
Columnist at Business Insider - https://www.businessinsider.com/author/ed-zitron
CEO at EZPR.com - Award-Winning Tech PR Firm