
Please stop referring to Telegram as an "encrypted app" that is somehow equivalent to Signal. All Signal messages are end-to-end encrypted by default. The only end-to-end encrypted messages on Telegram are one-to-one messages where you have specifically turned end-to-end encryption on.
Not the first time this person has posted this infographic. Also not the first time this was mentioned. ACLU-ass move.
Yeah, I was gonna say. Gillian posted this like a month ago and a bunch of us gave the same feedback about Telegram. Weird that she ignored that and just posted it again
i mean what can you expect from an organization that aided and abetted Unite the Right i guess
She was also explicitly asking for feedback the last time she posted it
Anything we should add to this nerds
i know i was in there lmao.
Do not put Telegram on this list. Use message auto delete on signal, do not write down sensitive stuff even there. Really though do not fucking use Telegram you really ought to know better.