
If the Supreme Court decides in favor of Trump’s claim that a sitting president has immunity from prosecution, the logical and legal thing for Biden to do would be to simply assassinate him before the election
Seems like a *terrible* idea for the supreme court to empower the presidency with the legal authority to violently create new supreme court vacancies, but then I am not a federalist society vegetable. So what do I know?
The scope of the case seems to be immunity in conducting official duties. Trump claims interfering with the election was an official duty. Even if they rule in his favor, I don’t know if POTUS sanctioning assassinations would qualify. That would likely be another SCOTUS case... …or a civil war.
Biden could declare Trump a national security threat (which has the benefit of being true) and assassinate him as part of his official duties. We have the precedent of Obama's extrajudicial killing of a US citizen via drone strike.
That wasn’t on US soil, guy was an expat and had joined Al-Queda, right? It’s going to be harder to justify doing that to a political opponent, even one that would absolutely do it if re-elected. Same for creating SCOTUS vacancies. Action short of assassination, like detaining him… maybe.
Biden doesn't need the Supreme Court to do that. He already has authority under the 2012 NDAA to have the Army disappear someone without access to a lawyer and without telling anyone where that person is. They don't even have to admit they have them, rendering habeas corpus moot.
If that is true, you’re think it would be done more often to individuals who are suspected of espionage or terrorism. The liberal press, at least, would be all over it. Can it be done to US citizens or in US territory? Despite their other concerns, ACLU did not think so.
Indefinite Detention, Endless Worldwide War and the 2012
Presidents have sanctioned assassination in the past. It's just been overseas, not domestically.
Oh I know. I was referring to elected officials and political opponents right here.