
i am about to mute the word panic, this kind of screamy baby shit is embarrassing, if you are either an amateur or professional politics nerd, you know better than to cry yourself into a hysteria about one debate in fucking june
if you actually get *paid* to write about politics for a living, screaming that the nominee has to drop out after one bad debate *in june* (and one in which the challenger did not do well, either), you are unqualified for your job and your salary
There was a 30% decline in viewership from last campaign season's debates. I'm assume b/c most of us already know how we're voting and don't feel like listening to that crap. I don't know if the press is banking on that and trying to shift opinion through headlines, but it kind of feels that way.
Televised debates are just dumb. They need to be ended, for good. No decision or policy is developed in this format; it does nothing to inform anyone. And when the host network agrees to such laughable conditions as *no fact-checking* it reduces it to its basest ratings-grabbing component parts.