
i am about to mute the word panic, this kind of screamy baby shit is embarrassing, if you are either an amateur or professional politics nerd, you know better than to cry yourself into a hysteria about one debate in fucking june
if you actually get *paid* to write about politics for a living, screaming that the nominee has to drop out after one bad debate *in june* (and one in which the challenger did not do well, either), you are unqualified for your job and your salary
tell that to president romney bub
EXACTLY (And the economy numbers were TERRIBLE in 2012.)
Fifteen times over if you never bothered to publish a “Trump should drop out” piece at any point
Come on now, we can't possibly hold Trump to the same rigorous standards. That's only for Joe Biden.
Everything is fucking reactionary now . People on social media panicky reacting to things has infested every other form of media. It's god damn fucking annoying. The press is turning into the political equivalent of reaction videos on TikTok/Youtube which the lowest form of "entertainment".
Fuck you. I love reaction videos
It's cheap shitty content that requires zero creativity. If you like it good for you. Still shit
De gustibus non est disputandum
Also, the nominee needs to be finalized before the convention this year. A contested convention is logistically impossible, so there is no mechanism for selecting a new candidate. The professionals should know this.
It easy-peasy, according to the NYT! The Democrats just have to "create a process to select someone more capable."
"The clearest path to win in November is to find a candidate who will grovel for an invasive inquisition by us."
If only there had been some sort of process where we could have allowed people to state their preferences, perhaps over a series of statewide contests earlier this year. If only.
I do recall voting in this thing called a "primary" this past Spring...🤔
One reason many of us here has had to outsource punditry to our online friends — probably not recommended under ideal circumstances!! — is there is no alternative
it's never been clearer to me how much big press and media rely on "created" news, taking last night's debate in contrived directions for profit you can imagine how excited they were, just giddy with anticipation and excitement, about what they'll manufacture for consumption for hours on end
There was a 30% decline in viewership from last campaign season's debates. I'm assume b/c most of us already know how we're voting and don't feel like listening to that crap. I don't know if the press is banking on that and trying to shift opinion through headlines, but it kind of feels that way.
Televised debates are just dumb. They need to be ended, for good. No decision or policy is developed in this format; it does nothing to inform anyone. And when the host network agrees to such laughable conditions as *no fact-checking* it reduces it to its basest ratings-grabbing component parts.
I’m pretty cynical about the prospect of voters on the fence about these guys learning anything new last night that swayed them .
Democratic elites have not known what it’s like to be the underdog in a presidential contest since 2004, and it shows.
Depends what the job actually is I guess? Ragebait gets eyeballs
It’s also hard to forget how easily Hillary crushed Trump in every debate by any objective measure, and yet. Maybe voters dgaf about debates? Worth considering
To be honest, I think that was going to be their line no matter what Biden did in the debate. Especially since they gave Trump a pass for his crap. Prediction: The standard commentary on the next debate will be "Trump was surprisingly presidential".
Bill Kristol has not gotten this memo.
In what kind of world do you “win” a debate by spreading nonstop lies for ~2 hours?
This one. Language is about persuasion, not about getting to the truth. Always has been
I was commenting on supposed journalists saying a compulsive liar won a debate. Journalists at one time used to be concerned with the truth. But perhaps I shouldn’t consider NYTimes opinion people journalists.
. had no problem saying no one won the debate. We all lost.
So, the New York Times Editorial Board, then?
You wanna see some alternate reality nonsense? Go check out the video titles over on TYT in the last 24 hours. It's fucking nuts. Worth it for a laugh.
The 2000 election wants its comment back.