
definitely not in team "ditch biden" but 10000% team "fire your comms director tomorrow"
tbf I was in team "fire your comms director" long ago. But tomorrow is a good day to course-correct
This election is about values, not policies. It was *always* about values and not policies. This was obvious to anyone with half a brain-cell from the first day that Trump announced he'd be running again. Every single comms person who does not get that should be given their severance and a reference
All elections are about values at their core. Policy is just the application of values to the real-world. Poll-driven ‘median voter’ wonk brain approaches cannot grasp this because they are fundamentally amoral.
Honestly, I think Trump 2016 disproves the values thesis. I think historical contingency put him in a position to win the Republican nomination, and as bad as the values already were, they got substantially worse to accommodate Trump.
I'm arguing something similar to the Overton Window. Basically, I think people's values have plasticity, and will deform to protect ego, to fit in, or when under threat.
I hate it but I think you are correct. By and large people care about fitting in and getting on with their community. Values mold to fit community norms.